Movie 2: Heroes Rising (Slightly Rewritten)

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(Just a quick note, I noticed there were a few mistakes in this. So I fixed them. Everything else is the same.)

3rd POV

It's dark out. There's a light snowfall dusting the area. A loud rumbling fill the area as a large military truck drives by at high speed and not long after it's followed by multiple cars. The cars eventually close in on the truck and do there best to surround it. A car pulls up in between the truck and the mountain. Then we see who's driving the truck. Spinner of the League of Villains. The truck then slams into the car beside it ramming it into the cliff side before ramming another car of the road and down the mountain. A hero in one of the cars opens fire on the back of the truck but the bullets barely do anything. 

"I'm getting closer!" The pro hero know as Rocklock says as he speeds up to get closer to the truck. The hero opens fire again and shoot through their front window but again it does nothing. Suddenly a window on the truck breaks and a somewhat familiar draconic looking person. The one from the summer camp attack. His name was Rasu. He then a blast of fire at the heroes causing Rocklocks car to spin out of control. "Deadbolt!" The car stays in place and used it as a shield from the fire. Another car swerves out of the way and up the cliff side to get in front of the truck. 

A female hero stands up through the sunroof of the car. "Rasu!" She yells before creating multiple electric whips to attack the truck. Only for the truck to ram them and send the car flying. A hatch opens up on top of the truck and out crawls another villain. Mr. Compress. "Whoopsie daisy." Is all he says before throwing multiple marbles out onto the road which change into road barricades thanks to Mr. Compress' quirk. One of the cars turns to get out of the way but they hit the barricades causing the car to go out of control and then explode. "Bastards... What are you up to?" A hero says as he climbs onto the back of the truck. "Don't ask pointless questions." Rasu says as he crawls out of another hatch and incinerates the hero.

"Why are the heroes here?" Spinner yells before hitting the steering wheel in frustration. "The information got leaked." Rasu answers. "Leaked? From where?" Compress asks. "Who know.."

Up ahead we see endeavor. "The pursuit team got defeated now we-" "You don't have to spell it out." Endeavor says interrupting the hero. "Leave it to me." "Endeavor!" Spinner says with a shocked expression. "The one who's moved up to number one, huh?" Is all compress says and Rasu forms a ball of fire in his Mouth. "It's all ready to late. You're working to hard!" Rasu yells sending a blast of fire at the number one hero who retaliates by doing the same thing. "Jetburn!"

The different color fires clash before exploding into a tornado of flames. "Hey, hey, hey." Spinner yells. "I'll run you over, Endeavor!" The truck starts to speed up and all Endeavor does is cross his arms. "Mister, get back." Compress climbs back into the truck as Rasu makes a ball of fire his mouth. The area around endeavor starts getting hotter and his flames get more wild before unleashing a massive blast of fire. "Prominence Burn!". Rsau tries to counter the attack but it does nothing. The truck starts to go off of the road as the villains inside turn into slime, the work of Twice's quirk.

Endeavor gets down to the crash site and see's that Hawks is already there. "You were here," Endeavor says. "Why didn't you give us a hand, Hawks?" "I just got here, Endeavor" He replies in a happy tone. "What about the villains?". "They were all doubles of Twice's quirk." Haks says and he opens the back door of the truck. "What's this?" Endeavor asks walking up to large test tube type thing in the truck. "It's a life support system. To transport a Nomu or something?" The number two hero says. 'What in the world are Shigaraki and the others transporting' Hawks wondered.


We see a man in a strange suit walking towards a road. "I was getting tired of waiting, Nine." an extremely tall man in a trench coat says as he stands next to two other people. "It was well worth the wait" The man now know as Nine answers. "The experiment was a success." The other people gasp in surprise as Nines eyes start to glow.

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