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The following day was probably the most elated that I was in a long time and that's all because of what had happened when I checked up on Jordi last night. It's almost as if I consciously took a whole bag of edibles because my heart was racing and pounding like they never did in a very long time. Jordi was the first thing that invaded my head and of course, I'm more than thrilled to see him today. I can't fucking wait to hug and kiss him and call him my fucking boyfriend. I can't believe things have just escalated like this but I like it.

I know dating a boy is deliberately something new to me because I've dated girls before but I didn't have any sort of expectations that something beautiful like this would happen, that such a beautiful soul like Jordi would eventually come crash landing into my life. I have never thought I would be falling in love with another guy. Not in a million years. Not even when pigs finally earned some wings and flew over the rainbow striped skies. With all of that being thrown out, one thing's for sure, I've never been the happiest. Perhaps this was the happiest moment of my entire seventeen years of existence which was usually riddled with anger, sadness and pain.

After having a breakfast consisting of badly cooked instant noodles and almost burnt eggs, I eventually hit the shower. I might probably have taken the longest shower that I've taken in my entire life. That's mostly because I had to be very delicate and careful with my wound. It still hurt every time I twist really hard but the stitches have already stuck and they might start vanishing in a matter of few days. My knuckles on the other hand, they're fine but the scabs are still there and it might take another week before they eventually fall of on their own.

By the time I was ready to go out to see Jordi, my dad suddenly showed up holding some expensive looking paper bags.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I inquired not really having the right energy to be dealing with him right now. It's fucking way too early in the morning for him to show up and cause some unsolicited drama.

He decided that it's best to ignore my welcoming question and threw another welcoming question my way. "You're dressed. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to meet a friend. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to check on you."

"I'm not a fucking kid anymore, man. I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

"I'm well aware, son." He shut the door close and invited himself inside. "How was your wound?"

"Still healing." I replied sternly enough hoping that it would make him precise with his intentions. He needs to tell me what he came here for before I could get really impatient.

"Okay, just make sure you won't be doing any unnecessary movements so it won't open."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"I came here because I got you a credit card and some other stuff that I'm sure you will love." He laid the paper bags on the couch and then approached me eventually handing me an envelope most probably consisting the credit card that he mentioned.

I stared at the envelope that he was trying to hand me and then slowly redirected my eye sight towards him. "Just so you know, you can't buy my forgiveness." I spat out.

"I know that and I'm going to earn that but take this card for now because I won't be here the entire time."

"Tsk....." I nonchalantly snatched the envelope away from his hand and then tossed it to the nearest table.

"I'm going to visit you every now and then, I thought you ought to know about that so you won't get surprised when I just show up out of nowhere. I'm going to try my best and clear my schedule just so I could spend time with my son." My dad went on.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat