The Sun Turns Black

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Kojiro: how are you feeling Y/N? That last battle took a toll on you.

Y/N: the doctor here are great plus one little knife won't stop me kicking a gods ass.

Soji: so your the Kamen Rider I'm impressed but where's your sword? Does this from has a weapon.

Y/N: oh yeah that's right.

Y/N grabs one piece toss it in the air as he builds his Dengasher.

Y/N: Now I feel like part of the group

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Y/N: Now I feel like part of the group.

Kondo looks at Kojiro at his bandages.

Kondo: Sasaki, how are your injuries?

Kojiro: I'm all better now! Holes healed up. L/N is right about this place, but the doctors here are absolutely phenomenal.

Loki: why don't you go ahead and take a nap, old man? Because if you try to stick your neck into this fight, you won't just be an old'll be a dead man.

Kojiro: ha, you gods are all so cocky.

Soji: Kondo.

Kondo: yes.

Soji: these gods, seems to me like they're all bad news. Do you mind if I kill them all?

Soji gets in stance ready to fight the gods.

Kondo: Go ahead. It is our duty to do what is right.

Kondo as well puts his blade in front of him getting ready for the battle.

Loki begins to walk up until one of the gods stopped him from continuing.

Seven Pillar: Stay out of this one, Loki! I'm the one who's gonna kill these idiots. I've got to pay them back for what they did to me. Otherwise I'll never be able to sleep soundly. You listening, Buddha!

Buddha then ignore his clam and yawns.

Seven Pillar: AHHHH! I wanna see you dead!

He points his fish gun and shoots three rounds aiming at Buddha missing everyone completely. Destroying the fountain.

Seven Pillars: Ebisu, what are you aiming at?

Y/N: Aw man. I like that fountain.

Loki: well Buddha can you do another trick?

Loki then brings out his weapons from his hands twin blades with chains attached.

Loki: Disappear!

As Loki is throwing his weapons everyone is dodging his attackes. Soji come running up blocking them Turing to get a hit on Loki as well at Y/N. Both Soji and Y/N manage to get into the other side impressing Kojiro.

Loki: Do you honestly think you can beat me? Your are pissing me off.

Soji: you piss me off too Guess that makes us even.

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