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As the battle was finally over Y/N forms begins to bright as he De-Henshin back to himself with cuts the bruise around him. He sees his Boost Mark IX transforms back into Cataxetrophe handle right in his hand.

As the smoke clears from Papiyas destruction both Y/N and Buddha looks up into the air seeing Zerofuku running in the mid air.

Buddha: Zerofuku, no wait.

Zeofuku looks down at Buddha Y/N as he smiles giving them thumbs up as he with the seven gods of good fortune as the rise up into the air disappearing. Buddha begins to tear up as he smiles. Y/N looks down onto Zerofukus handle and looks back up.

Y/N: Zerofuku, May you find happiness.

Y/N walks up to Buddha as he is on the floor tear running on his eyes. Y/N reaches his hand out helping Buddha up. Y/N puts Buddhas arm over his neck as both begins to walk back to the humanity entrance.

Buddha: you did great kid. Though I was a goner then you'll had to fight him all on your own.

Y/N: I would had too not unless without a little help with a friend.

Y/N looks at Zerofukus handle as bird flys around and lands on the handle.

Y/N: huh?

The bird begins to shred tears and flys away.

Buddha: you too huh, will really miss you Zerofuku.

As both entered inside Y/N let's go of buddha as he is able to stand. Y/N hands Buddha Zerofukus Cataxetrophe.

Y/N: Here Buddha, he probably want you to have this.

Buddha smiled at Y/N and takes the handle as he uses it to tie his hair back.

Buddha: thank you Y/N.

Just then Brünnhilde, Göll, Y/N's grandpa and Zen meet both of them in the entrance way.

Brünnhilde: Buddha, Y/N?

Grandpa: Y/N?

Buddha: hey Brunn..

Y/N: hey, guys see I did it we win again. Oh.

Göll walks up to Y/N as she grabs him with both arms by his neck as she hugs him tightly.

Göll: don't ever scare me like that again got it?

Y/N smiles with that response. Then she hugs her back.

Y/N: I got it. Also I swear no more humans with die by the gods. I will not allow anymore of your sister to die. I Promise you.

Göll begins to tear up and holds him tight as she gives him a quick kiss on the check. And let's go of him.

Grandpa: my boy, I never thought to say how more proud I'm. Sticking up to humanity.

Y/N: thanks gramps. But now some quickly and catch me.

Everyone: huh?

Just then Y/N falls flat on the ground as every freaks out.

Göll: Y/N!

Brünnhilde: Y/N?

Buddha: Kid!

Grandpa: my Boy!

Zen: I'll get the staff!


Y/N wakes up in a hospital bed. He pulls the cover and sees all his wounds and bruises healed up. He looks around seeing Zen sitting next to him asleep.

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