Lost City Of Mayan

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The collective sound of splashes followed Kristina, who was now holding a flashlight under the water. "Everyone, check your oxygen meter." She spoke inside the oxygen mask that covered her entire face, her back against the hotel's opening to the deep sea.

It was at this moment that Lucas submerged himself under the water. Though he closed the lid of the hatch, he did not lock it, so they could only push it up to climb up once again. He followed what the others were doing, his right hand was holding the oxygen meter.

"Are we ready?" Lucas asked as he swam closer to Kristina and his men.

His three minions made an 'okay' hand sign while Kristina barely nodded. Kristina attached her flashlight to the overhead of her mask before swimming down where the opening was upon seeing that they were now ready to embark on the Lost City of Mayan.

Kristina looked back as she inched herself closer to the gaping hole. She pointed her index finger down before she turned around again. Her action earned her a series of nods from the group of men.

'The hatch, it is too dangerous for it to be left half-open.' The lingering thoughts of Kristina

Nice and slow, she urged her body down. 

The sound of her heartbeat and the bubbles escaping her diving mask swayed the water like a lulling hymn of the dark hue of the deep. Kristina, who was leading the group of mobsters, held the corners of the passageway that would lead them to the site of the Lost Mayan City.

Every four strokes, Kristina would look back at the men following her. "We will be entering the underwater site of the Lost Mayan City the moment we swim beyond this passageway. Stick to me no matter what happens."

 As per standard operating procedure, Kristina spoke beneath her diving mask, the echoes of the bubbles and the oxygen intake resonating in her voice.

On cue, the four men trailing behind her their respective okay signs, making Kristina nod. She kicked her fins, leaving an array of bubbles in her trail.

The moment her torso left the premise of the hotel's last stronghold, Kristina's jaws locked. The veil of icy blanket cloaked her suit. Diving into the depths of the underwater excavation site never failed to make her heart pound. The deeper she led the four men in, the darker it became. 

And the farther Kristina kicked her fins, the colder it became. It was as if the thousand-year-old city was welcoming her with pure malice.

Though the lights placed by the hotel's maintenance were situated at every nook and cranny of the excavation site, Kristina could somehow imagine the darkness that took every inhabitant of the Lost Mayan City. A year ago, the ancient scriptures her team discovered about the vain and corrupt Mayans.

The strokes and kicks of her hands and fins brought Kristina to the switch that controlled all the other lights of the underwater excavation site. She placed her right foot on the button before turning to the four men behind her. 


"Do it and don't ever think of luring us to the maze," said Lucas, who was now beside Kristina. The latter could only nod her head before she pressed her foot on the stirrups. Her action elicited a ringing vibration that lasted for a good fraction of a minute which stirred the stagnant water before bigger lights turned on.


"Oi. That is some awesome shit!"


Sebastian, Rogelio, and Bernardo respectively gasped their profanities as their heads tilted, their widened eyes now wondering the splendor of an ancient relic around them. Kristina could not help but curl the corners of her lips upon hearing such blatant praises to the sinful city of Mayans.

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