Chapter 21; Orochimaru

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Drink water and relaxxxxxx.

Now, onto the story,


"Tsunade obasan!" Naruto burst open the office door.

"Knock, dammit!" she scolded, almost tripping all her sake over herself.

"Never," Naruto smiled.

"What da ya want, brat?" Tsunade asked.

"Oh, me and 'friend'," he motioned to Sasuke facing the other way, "just had a groundbreaking idea!"

"Is it so important that you had to drag Sasuke from god knows where to here?" Tsunade asked, cross.


"So, you know how we absolutely slaughtered Danzo back there, right?"


"And now the root does not have a commander so it is not functioning that well, right?"


"And Root has many powerful shinobi right?"

"Yeah. Spit it out," Tsunade was getting annoyed.

"Why don't we make Orochimaru the new Root commander?" Naruto asked.

"Wait what?" Tsunade stilled.

"That isn't such a bad thing. The old immortal snake is probably just relaxing in his drawing room or something. It would be good to put him to some use," Tsunade mulled over it.

"Yeah, sure," she answered.

"With Jiraiya's spy network, your leadership, and Orochimaru's in-shadows work, this village may just become the most powerful one out there," Sasuke told the Hokage.

"I see," she nodded.

"Thank you for the suggestion, anything else?" She asked.

"Yeah, we kinda need a training ground," Naruto said.

"Oh well, use your old one. I am sure no team is using it right now," Tsunade said, focusing on her work now.

"Sure, thanks!" 

Naruto said as he jumped down the window.

"That brat."

"Arigato Hokage-sama," Sasuke bowed before looking at the window disapprovingly.

"If you excuse me," he exited the office.


Something had changed. No, someone had made things change.

Kakashi was on his way after reporting to the office, no orders today too.

Danzo had been killed, that was common information to the black anbu troops. No one had an idea of who killed him.

But someone, powerful enough to even defeat the Hokage was in the village.

And he was not sure if that person was on their side or not.

Things had changed so drastically in these few weeks that it was rather hard to believe. For the past six years, no change had been made in the system.

But, just in two weeks; the Hokage had retired, a new Hokage had been announced, the sanin of the village had returned, and Danzo was killed.

This could've been no coincidence, someone was behind it.

"Hokage-sama, may I come in?" he knocked at the office.

"Sure," a voice sounded.

He came in and closed the door behind him.

"Greetings, Hokage-sama," he bowed.

"Sure, Kakashi, get to the point," she said.

"Will there be a new leader at the root?" he knew the Hokage was definitely aware of the root.

"Didn't expect you to be this direct. But anyways, yes. No need to leave. And yes, I know it will be disbanded in three days if a new leader is not announced," Tsunade answered.

"Tsunade-sama, may I ask who is behind all of this?" Kakashi asked.

"Wow, aren't you a smart one? That's not a secret for me to tell. The leader will be Orochimaru," she said.

"Arigato-Hokage-sama," he knew he won't get any more out of the Hokage.

So he was right. Someone IS behind all of this. And, thankfully, that person is on their side.

And Tsunade knew of the Root. Not that he didn't expect that, but how?

A secret not for Hokage to tell, something big was it play here.

Something very, very big.


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