Chapter 27; The Invite

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Hello people I am backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

I hope you are enjoying life and are healthy.



Naruto was lying on the grass with Sasuke by his side, discussing what kids their age usually do. Zetsu found nothing strange. He jumped down the tree, barely making any noise.

Regardless, the two heads turned in his direction.

"Hey!" Naruto waved.

Sasuke first looked at him, then at Naruto, and then at him again, wearing his poker face.

"Hey, I got something!" Zetsu sat down beside them excitedly; he had something of the greatest importance to give them after all. 

However, he never once considered why the two were outside the academy in an excluded place, as if they were waiting for him.

"Really?" Naruto sat up, glancing at Zetsu's hands and making a questioning face when he got nothing.

Sasuke sat up as well, though much more slowly.

"Uh, invitations?... Yeah. I got invitations for Akatsuki for you." Zetsu said.

"What's an Akatsuki?" Naruto asked, leaning a little closer to the papers, surveying them.

Sasuke sat back, arms crossed, as if thinking something.

"It isn't a thing; it's an organization. I work for it, and it thought that you had promising talent, so they wanna recruit you."

"Isn't it a rising mercenary organization?" Sasuke asked suddenly.

"Yeah, it is; you sure do know your facts." Zestu was impressed. "Do you wanna join?"

"Nah, I have a lot on my plate, you know, Academy and all, and on top of that, shouldn't you take the permission of Hokage Sama first?" Naruto said, and Sasuke denied it as well.

"Yeah, you're right; I should. But are you sure you don't want to join? They'll train you, and you can grow stronger."

"Nope, I guess I am strong enough. It's not what the village would want anyways, so I can't." Naruto says, a kind of sad expression on his face.

"Me neither," Sasuke says as he lays back down, cloud-watching.

"Okay then," Zetsu said, standing up. 

"What, you're not going to stay today?" Naruto questioned.

"Nah, I'd better get to them, later," he waved his hand and jumped into the trees.


Naruto sighed and Sasuke smirked.

"You're really good with the kid's act you know, I guess you took it to heart when I said 'Just be yourself'."

"Naruto turned to him, hiding his glare under his small smile, "Wanna spar?" The irk in his eyebrow that was just there for a second told Sasuke something was wrong.

Sasuke knew well enough it wasn't going to be just sparring. Naruto was gunning to hurt him.

"I'd rather not," Sasuke said, considering his words carefully. He stood up, dusting his pants.

"Race you home," he said and started sprinting.

"HEY!" Naruto shouted from the clearing, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" 

"ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR!" Sasuke shouted back as he sprinted faster.

He knows if he didn't have the lead then Naruto most definitely would have surpassed him. 

Huff Huff  Sounds of heavy breathing filled the room.

"That was not fair! Unacceptable!" Naruto raged as he entered the room.

Sasuke smirked and asked "Wanna go to the academy now, I'm bored," and Naruto shook his head in mock disappointment and then nodded.

"Off to the Academy then, bye-bye home sweet home," Naruto said to no one in particular as they exited the apartment.

Conveniently it was lunch when they went there so they dispelled and quickly replaced it.

"Hey," someone said to them and it was Shikamaru on closer inspection.

"Hey," Naruto smiled and waved his hand. 

'Oh shit' both of them thought in unison.

This was going to be one hell of a conversation.


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