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The arena is filled with roars and screams, everyone is cheering for the two in the middle of the ring, fighting, the ravenette twisted the blonde hand back, while landing a kick on the blonde knee, "JK JK JK JK JK" Soon everybody started cheering for one name, the raven haired right corner of the lip curved up, forming a smirk, his black orbs are shining in victory, he left the blonde who is gasping for air,

Drinking the water, Jungkook wiped his sweat with the towel given to him, wearing his shirt, hiding his prominent Abs and muscles, for which every male and female submissive are drooling for, without giving second gaze Jungkook walked away, he wins, he always wins, because he is a beast during fight,

He knows, everyone fears him, he has built a reputation for himself, his presence itself scares the people away, he always holds an aura, a powerful, dominant and cold aura which sends chills down the spines of the people, they only admire him from the far, because they know they got no chance with the True Blood,

Because Jeon Jungkook, a True Blood Alpha, is a perfect epitome of gentleman with the deadliest handsome face, a perfect jawline, doe eyes with black orbs, sharp button nose, perfect lips with a mole under the lower lip, he is only sweet with his family, he never has flings, one-night stands or never even gazed at any other wolf, he spends his ruts alone at the dungeons that are specifically made for the Ruts,

He wants his mate, who he wants to cherish and love, to be loved, to feel the amazing bond that he witnesses every day in his family, the bond, and the love between the mates, his brother is already married after finding his mate, his sister has already found her mate, it was only him and his younger sister who are remained in the family to find their mates,

Usually wolves find their mates at the age of 21, some are very lucky that they find them right after they turn just like his brother, Jeon Yoongi, who found his mate at his 21st birthday party, Rose, his sister, found her mate at her university after her birthday, Lisa is only 18, so she still got time to find one, Jungkook has already turned 21, he didn't yet find his mate, which makes him feel dejected at times, he wants his mate badly, who can only tame his anger and wolf,

As he enters the mansion he is blessed with a cushion kissing his face, he sighs picking the cushion from the floor, his eyes wander at the people who are chasing, his elder sister who is just one year older than him is running behind his younger sister who is running for her life, Rose has a vase in her hands, "OPPA HELP!" Lisa hides her small body behind her brother, "" she grits her teeth,

"Rose relax" Jungkook calmly says, "how can I stay relaxed when she stole my limited additional sneakers and dipped them in water" "I didn't dip them, they just slipped" Lisa defended herself, "such a coincidence that the bucket is right under the sneakers you are holding" Rose scoffs, "that's a gift from my mate" she adds, fueling in anger, "I-I it's really unintentional Unnie" Lisa clutches Jungkook shirt tightly, "Rose, Jisoo is calling you should leave" Lisa mentally thanked her brother-in-law, he is such a lifesaver,

Rose huffs one last time before she walks past her sibling but not before giving a loud slap on Lisa back who immediately starts crying, Jungkook shakes his head bringing the younger into his embrace to hug her, "shhh Lis, it's okay" "it hurts" the young Alpha whimpers tears rolling down her cheeks, "Jeon Lisa! I am so done with you! it's a luck that Jisoo called otherwise Rose would have skinned you alive today" Jimin, their adorable brother-in-law huffed, crossing his arms,

He is the one who is in charge until the head Alpha and Luna are back, they are out of the pack, they went to another pack for a meeting and alliance, Lisa stomped her foot before running upstairs to her room, she doesn't like when someone scolds her, because she is spoiled by everyone in the house, being the youngest child has made her the brat today she is now, but she is a sweetheart she understands quickly and acts according to the situation, she is not actually anger now though, if Jimin now enters into her room with her favourite food item, the girl will immediately stop her act,

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