43 - Lunch

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this chapter is very short but i am very very busy right now.


"Hey lovebirds." London came up to my window, "Hope I'm not interrupting."

She was in fact interrupting.

I looked away from Mackenzie and turned to London.

Her dark hair was pulled up in a ponytail and her face was wiped clean of makeup. She looked really pretty. "Everyone is waiting for you guys inside the restaurant."

"We were just about to get out of the car." Mackenzie squeezed my hand then opened the car door, "You weren't interrupting, London."

I glared at my friend, "You were."

She smiled and opened my door for me, "We ordered you a Sprite. And Mac a lemonade." She moved out of the way for me to get out.

I took my keys out of the ignition and got out, "Thanks."

Mac came over to me and walked close beside me. London was on my other side.

"So how was dress shopping?" Mac looked at London as I held the door open for them both.

London smiled wider, "It was amazing. We're bummed you guys didn't go." She slid into the booth with the rest of my friends.

"Yeah I wish I could have gotten out of it too." Jackson stretched his arms above his head, "Assuming we're talking about dress shopping."

"We are." I nodded and took a sip of my drink on the table.

"Nat and I are wearing matching p-"

I covered Mackenzie's mouth with my hand, "We are not revealing our dresses yet, my love."

"I'm gonna throw up." Sam fake gagged, getting a few people to laugh at the table.

Alexander wrapped his arm around Ruby's shoulder and smirked, "I quite liked dress shopping."

Ruby's face went beet red.

Jackson shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the waiter.

We all placed our order's. We've been to Ben's Place a million times and we've always ordered the same things so we didn't even need our menus.

"So how was prom dress shopping for real?" I looked around the table as I leaned back in the booth.

Ruby smiled wildly, "I loved it honestly. It felt better than last year because it wasn't just me and my mom."

London laughed, "Yeah well," she sucked in a breath, "Are we more fun than your mom?"

Ruby nodded, "Definitely."

They continued to chat about the shopping they did this morning and I grew more and more jealous.

Not really though.

Mac and I had an amazing day together.

We wanted to go dress shopping with them so we got up and took a shower together this morning. But then we got a little carried away in there.

So when we got out, our friends were already out and about. And we just decided to watch a movie then catch them for lunch.

So now here we are.

Mackenzie squeezed my leg.

I looked up at her to find her eyes already gazing at me.

"And when we finally got out of the maze, Henry and Julia were already waiting at their cars bragging about how long they were waiting for us." Alex shook his head as he finally wrapped up the story we've all heard before.

"Your dad is opening the pool this weekend?" Marcus took a bite of his burger while looking at me.

"He is." I nodded and took a sip of Mackeznie's lemonade. "And we're supposed to get out on the lake today if you want to come."

"I think that's a really good idea."

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