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Bitchy Mom

John 'JJ' Sims was 35 and a successful real estate developer. He was single and lived in a nice upscale home in McKinney, Texas. His goal was to make a lot of money and retire to a life of luxury by the time he was 40. John was well on the way to doing that. Other than an occasional one night stand, he had little interest in women. Being the only child in a somewhat stressed family, he had no desire to raise one of his own.

His parents, John Sr. and Mary, were disappointed knowing that grandchildren weren't in the cards for them. John Sr. was an insurance agent and fairly successful. He had always been a good provider for the family. Mary was a stay at home wife and mother, who was never quite satisfied with anything or anyone. She always had something to complain about. Mary was 55; five years her husband's junior. She was attractive, a good cook, and housekeeper, but her constant bitching kept her husband and son walking on egg shells around her. JJ left their Houston home after high school and was on his own.

JJ was driving home when his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he picked it up.

"Hi Dad."

"Did I catch you at a good time?" his father asked.

"Perfect time. I'm headed home. What's up?"

"I gave your mother divorce papers this morning."

"You did what?" JJ asked.

"I finally got to the point I couldn't handle her bitching anymore. I'm giving her half of everything. I just need some damn peace and quiet."

"Is there a woman involved?"

"Oh, hell no. I just want out," his father assured him.

"How did she take it?"

"Just like I expected. She bitched about my timing, the legal size paper, the big words. You name it."

"Was she upset?"

"She didn't say anything about the actual divorce. She just bitched about everything else."

JJ chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"Son, I love your mother. I just can't put up with the bitching anymore."

"That's why I left too Dad."

"I know. I got home about 30 minutes ago, and she was gone. I checked her closet. It looks like she packed most of her clothes. No note or anything. I suspect she's headed up your way. You might want to stop and pick up some ear plugs."

"I doubt they'd help much. Any idea what time she left?" JJ asked.

"No clue, but I'd wager she timed the trip to hit rush hour in Dallas, so she'd have something else to bitch about."

JJ chuckled again. "I wouldn't be surprised. How much did she pack?"

"At least four big suitcases are gone. I suspect she's planning an extended stay. Sorry."

"It's okay. I've got plenty of room. Enjoy your peace and quiet, Dad."

"Oh, I am."

"Dad, you're really going to divorce her?"

"Son, I love her. If you can figure out a way to get her to quit being a bitch, I'd love to stay married to her."

"Figure the odds of that."

"I know. I'll get off the phone and let you enjoy your last peaceful moments."

"Bye, Dad."

JJ loved his mother. It was her constant complaining about everything that drove him mad. It was always something. He looked forward to seeing her but dreaded it at the same time.

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