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Hi. My name is Eira. Strange, I know. You can blame my mother for that one. Although, after meeting Calum, I came to like it a bit more.

Anyway, I've been told that my story is very similar to a certain fairy tale written long ago, and I never realized it. Well, now I do and it's absolutely unbelievable.

Let me share a bit of my background before I go into this.

When I was very young, I had a happy life. My mother died in childbirth so I never got a chance to know her, but I still had my father. He shared as much as he could about my mother, and I felt like I did know her, which made me miss her even more. I didn't care though. I would rather have some memory of my mom, even if it's not technically mine, than no memory at all.

My dad was a huge business man, meaning he made a lot of money. It was enough to give me whatever I wanted, but all I could possibly want was something I could never have. A mother.

When I was around five, he met someone. I was happy for him. I was happy for me. I was dying to have a mother. Someone to play with my hair, someone to play dress up with me, someone to do things with that fathers just weren't fit to do. I thought I would finally have that. She seemed so sweet, so caring.

That all changed when my dad quit his job. They hadn't even been married for three months. Don't get me wrong, he loved his job. He was just always away and wanted to spend more time with his new wife and beloved daughter. He didn't just quit, though. He got another job. It didn't have the best pay, but it was good enough for us to get by. Not for my step-mother, though.

I had just turned six when he quit his job, so I was growing up. I learned the truth behind his marriage. My step-mother never loved him, never cared for him. She would never be the mother I never had or the wife my father missed so dearly. She was a troll, only marrying my father for his money. Once he quit his job, she turned ugly.

Every chance she got, she beat me. Never around my father though. She didn't have a job, obviously, because she was a lazy slut who didn't want to do any work. That's not what she told my father though. Her reasoning for not having a job was so that I would always have someone to have fun with at home. Yeah, right.

Every day when my father would leave for work, she would abuse me. All I wanted was a mother, and I couldn't even have that. My dad would come home from work and ask about my several bruises, in which my step-mother would reply, "She had an accident on the playground again." She had him under the impression that she took me playing all the time.

I had, in fact, just finished my first year of school, pre-school, before they got married. After my father quit his job and the troll came out, she convinced him to pull me out of school. Home school. I wouldn't see my friends anymore. I wouldn't have recess anymore. No, from now on my life was just torture. All from the woman I thought would be my new mom.

And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that she threatened me. I wanted to tell my dad so bad of what she was doing. I wanted him to divorce her, call the cops, something. However, she threatened to do something horrible to him. She never gave me specifics, and I never asked. I was just a child so telling me that you're going to do something horrible to my father? That'll definitely make me shut up.

I eventually had enough and called the cops myself. My father had showed me how to work a phone in case there was ever an emergency, and this was an emergency. They came quickly, just as my dad was coming home from work. I hadn't been expecting what was coming next.

They burst through the front door, ready to shoot first and ask questions later. Unfortunately, my step-mother knew what I had done and was prepared. "Thank goodness you're here, officers!" She cried, literally faking tears. "I just couldn't take it anymore!"

"Hold on, ma'am, calm down!" One of the officers held up a hand. "What's the problem?"

"My husband! He's just so horrible! Every day when he comes home from work, he beats our poor little Eira! Look at all the cuts and bruises on our baby girl!" If I wasn't six and scared half to death, I would have strangled her.

"We were told it was a 'troll step-mother' who was abusive. And it was in a little girl's voice." They all turned to me, and my eyes grew wide. "Well, she was surely mistaken. Eira, tell them who the real culprit is." None of their eyes were on my step-mother, so they couldn't see the evil look she was giving me.

Looking back, I knew I should have just told them the truth. They would have taken her away, and nothing horrible would have happened to my father. But I was just a scared little girl, who had probably peed her pants. I had every reason to believe that no matter where you put that evil bitch, she would find her way back.

So I started crying. And I told them. I told them I made a mistake, that it wasn't my step-mother after all. I told them it was indeed my father who was the abusive one, and that I was so scared that I couldn't get my words out right. I could see the proud look on my step-mother's face. Not proud of me. Proud of the fear she had put in me. It disappeared instantly when the police officers turned to her, replaced by the look of a broken woman.

"Where is your husband now, ma'am?" One of them asked. She covered her mouth, holding back a fake sob. "He should be home any minute." As if right on cue, a car door slammed outside. I began crying even harder as they rushed outside, grabbing my father by both arms and dragging him to one of their cars. He was shouting, crying out, demanding to know what was going on. I wanted to call out to him, let him know that I was sorry and that I loved him, but I couldn't with that she-devil standing right there. I had to keep up the charade for my father.

If only I had gone with my gut and told them the truth.

So this is also kind of a prologue I guess... idk maybe I should have made it the prologue. I hadn't planned on doing this but I figured it would be easier than trying to explain her WHOLE background in the actual story.

I really hope you guys like this though, I'm super excited about it. I'm going to try to update this one a lot. Write a bunch of chapters, update them more often. Yeah. I also have another 5SOS fic, Black, that I'll be posting chapters in very soon so please go add that to your library :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys enjoy!! <3


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