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We finished up the shopping in record time, all thanks to the help of Layla. We had split up on item duties, making three separate lists and finding everything in less than an hour, celebrating with congratulatory high-fives at the end.

After checking out, we drove through the almost pitch black town to drop off the groceries at Regina's house. I refused to call it mine, not while that monster occupied it.

We quickly brought the groceries inside, making sure anything cold was placed in the appropriate place, and then off to Panda Express, we were. My stomach growled in anticipation. It had been so long since I had Chinese food. I nearly shouted with joy as we pulled up in the parking lot.

About twenty minutes later, the three of us were seated in a booth with full plates of food. I wasted no time and began digging into mine the minute I sat down, practically inhaling it.

"Woah, Eira, slow down." Layla cautioned, an amused expression playing across her features. "You don't wanna get hiccups, do you?"

I glared at her, not even pausing from my wonderful meal. "Bite me." I said through a mouthful of lo mein, shoveling more into my mouth. I probably looked like a pig, but I could honestly care less. I was in heaven right now.

"No, thanks. I've got a perfectly good plate of Chinese food." Layla replied sarcastically, stifling a laugh. She finally began eating her food, and I noticed Ryan had silently been speculating this whole time, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"What are you staring at?" I attempted to be aggressive and failed miserably considering the amount of noodles I had placed in my mouth. He simply laughed. "Nothing, nothing." He looked down at his plate and began eating.

We didn't talk much during the first half of the meal, partly because I was too busy scarfing down my plate, but also because Layla and Ryan didn't want to interrupt me...which was smart.

We all eventually got up for seconds, momentarily deserting our booth. When we returned was when the real talking began.

"Regina is actually being nice?" Layla asked, dumbfounded. She had been questioning us about the sudden late night plans, so I decided to explain to her what happened.

"Well, I wouldn't say nice..." Ryan put in, trailing off at the end. Regina was never nice. She could be tolerable and a little odd at times but nice?

"It's nice for Regina." I clarified. "This just came completely out of the blue. Sure, she has her days but this? Something's up." We all thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out what had her in such a good mood. And yes, this was a good mood for Regina.

"I bet she's fücking her assistant." Layla suggested, smirking.

"Layla, please. Language." Ryan chided, stifling a laugh. She shrugged. Layla was like a daughter to him, as was I, and even though he really didn't care about what came out of our mouths, he felt it was his responsibility to say something.

"Ew, that poor man." I commented, shivering at the thought of anyone wanting to hit that after knowing how horrible she was. I gave my father a break because she put up a pretty great act in the beginning. Now she let's her true colors show because she enjoys respect grown from fear.

"Regina's too good for that." Ryan spat. He hated the bïtch just as much as we did. "She'd never be caught dead having sexual relations with someone beneath her."

"Well, what else could it be?" Layla surrendered her idea of a scandalous sex life in the office.

"Found a way to make more money?" I offered, which was possible.

"I don't know, but speaking of Regina..." Ryan glanced down at his watch, eyes growing wide. "Shït, it's late. Eira, we gotta go." Ryan ushered Layla out of the booth so that he could get out and reached for my hand.

"What? What time is it?" I had absolutely no concept of time, honestly.

"A quarter to midnight." He replied, causing my eyes to grow wide. "Oh my god."

"Layla, I'm sorry we can't take you home. I just lost track of time and really need to get Eira back before Regina gets home." Ryan babbled, apologizing over and over as we rushed to the door, our meals having already been paid for. The perks of eating at a buffet.

"Ryan, it's okay. I'll find a way home. You have more pressing matters at hand." She reassured him. We said our goodbyes, along with a 'good luck' from Layla, and then we were on the road.

Ten solid minutes of tension and pure fear while racing through town, and we were home. I ran to the front door, nearly tripping a few times and close to having a panic attack, with Ryan on my heels.

I threw the door open and immediately froze, causing Ryan to run right into me, knocking us both to the ground. I slowly looked up, trembling as I lay sprawled on the floor.

There stood Regina, in all of her horrid glory, glaring down at me. When I say glaring, I mean she was practically burning a whole through my face with those piercing eyes. She was pissed.

"Where the hell have you been?" She demanded venomously.


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