Chapter Sixty Seven

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The sound of an ambulance siren tore through the air and made everyone falter. The last time Daryl had heard the noise of an ambulance racing along a road was before the fall, Merle's truck barely slowing as it pulled towards the gravel side of the road.

"What in the hell is going on?" Abraham grouched, crossing the room and yanking back the curtains pointlessly. Anything that could have been seen was blocked by the high metal wall surrounding the community.

The afternoon was beginning to die to evening. Jagged shadows stretched across the yards. Daryl touched the hilt of his knife lightly before bending to press a kiss to the top of Ivy's head, taking plain advantage of the other two distracted by the window. "Bet that's them coming back."

Why they were ringing the metaphorical dinner bell, Daryl wasn't sure. But he wasn't sitting around waiting for the group to stagger back up the street. Abraham dropped the curtains and headed for the door. "Well, let's getting going. You watching the kid?"

"Somebody has to," Maggie said pointedly, crossing her arms. "Don't go far, Dixon. You look like a lightweight having her first beer."

He waved a finger in response before leaving the room, one last glance at Ivy's pale face before he left. The two men left and turned down the street, frowning as the noise grew louder and more people joined their walk. The ambulance was growing louder in noise and wherever it was coming from, it was creating a spectacle.

Eugene shoved the gate open hard and nearly got clipped as it flew straight through the opening, lights flashing and siren screaming. It jammed to a hard stop and Daryl flinched at the sound of brakes screeching. Glenn shoved the door open and stormed out, coming around over to the hood where he yanked it open and ripped out a handful of wires, silencing the sound.

Blood had smeared across his face and was starting to dry in tacky, dark lines.

A second car was coming in after Glenn and the man looked livid. Anger burned off of him and there was a clear tension that Daryl could feel as he drew near. "What the hell happened?" He demanded, looking Glenn over for any visible damage.

"Fuckers left me there," Glenn spat, ugly with temper. "We got cornered and they cut and ran. Didn't even take the supplies we got."

Aiden and Nicholas got out of the car with dark expressions as they took in the sight of the ambulance and Glenn standing there. Abraham came around the side of the ambulance and hauled the doors open to pull out two black duffle bags. "This the stuff?"

"Yeah," Glenn said flatly, not even looking. "Two bags. They left me with both."

However it had gone down, Glenn had been the one to haul two bags back. He had somehow fired up an ambulance that had been left sitting since the fall and managed to pass them on the road. Whatever death he had escaped, it had been close.

Aiden approached Glenn like a thundercloud waiting to break. His clothes and skin were clean from the blood that marked Glenn and the man scowled. "Don't even fucking talk. You wanna start walking away right now."

"Get a new gig. You're not ready to be out there. This? This was lucky," Aiden scoffed. He handed his gun off to Nicholas and Daryl watched the man take it, that eager step right beside his friend.

"Yeah, pretty sure you got that backwards."

"Look, we have a way of doing things around here-"

"Please, you don't know what the hell you're doing out there," Glenn seethed, jabbing a finger towards him. "I get exactly why all your friends are dead. Guy like you? You're just hoping to run a bit faster than the next person."

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