4- Reconnecting

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Louise's POV

While I'm waiting I stare at my coffee, and just everything outdoors.

After a few minutes I see a car I don't recognize pull up, a familiar face steps out, it's Rudy!

He walks into the building and starts heading towards me and sits down across from me with a bright smile on his face

"Well theres a friendly face!" He says with less rasp in his voice from when he was younger. I can't help but smile at the sound of it.

"Got a new do?" I say pointing at his hair that has grown out since I last saw him

"Yeah needed a change I mean I had the same one since I was maybe 5" he says chuckling, while tussling his hair

"It suits you, you should keep it, but let's get real. Why did you come back, but before you answer that why did you leave without an explanation, BUT before you answer that why did you want to see me?"

"Alright let's get real" he says with a stern expression.

"When we were younger the day before I left-  when you gave me ur hat" he pauses reaching into a small bag he carried in that I hadn't noticed, then slides my bunny ears across the table.

"You- you kept them" I said bringing my hand to my face on the verge of tears.

"Well yeah of course I did" he replies

"When you ran out of school was when I was about to tell you my mom decided to spring on news that I was leaving, I swear I wasn't trying to wait until the last day to tell you, I literally only found out on the last day. Also I never wanted to move I'm not sure if you thought I had a say in it but I didn't, so a few months after I turned 18 I bought a plane ticket and moved back in with my dad so I could see you again and that would be today" He explains all of this thoroughly trying to make sure I understand he never wanted to leave.

I looked at him, and he was staring at me softly, just by looking at him I could see he wasn't lying.

"Hey, I get it, I'm sorry she made you move I mean the only reason you had other friends was because you were friends with me, but then you had to restart, being honest my whole family was pissed when you left I don't remember if I told you but I didn't go to school for two weeks, once they found out why they've been holding a grudge against you since." After I say that last part I regret it because I realized I never told him I didn't go to school let alone leave my bed for half a month after he left.

"The reason I came back is because you are still my best friend. I never forgot the way you looked me in the eyes in the hallway, we had a genuine hug, you were clearly upset, I could feel you falling apart." After Rudy said that I felt a knot in my stomach that I hadn't felt for a while, i dismissed it immediately I assumed it was from embarrassment, god I'm not supposed to be weak, I'm Louise belcher,

Yeah I'm gonna own a family restaurant, and spend most of my college years trying to find a husband to run it with me, but I'm not weak. Ever.

"Well since we're done with those memory questions, let's just try to reconnect again, would that be ok with you?" Rudy asks

"Sure, we can play like 20 questions going back and forth" I reply, 'ill go first" I added

"How long did it take you to make at least 3 friends at your new school?"

"I didn't" he laughed a little, "I was only able to make 2, and they were fake a fuck bro" he adds on

Damn that must've sucked, while he was lonely, I had more friends than ever (it wasn't a lot but it was like 12 and that's a lot for a Belcher)

Time Flies | Louise x Rudy | Bob's burgersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora