6- Friends

61 0 0

Tw- Weed, alcohol

I walked out of the restaurant and headed towards Jimmy Pestos, the place really went downhill after he kept buying horsemeat, and serving gluten free people gluten.

Ollie says he has plans for it, like it'll no longer be Italian and the name and color scheme will be completely different.

I believe in him, I just hope he isn't running it alone.

"Hey you're Bob's kid aren't you?", Jimmy Sr asks

"You ask that every time I come in here, I'm looking for Ollie where is he? I ask

"He's at his brothers here I'll give you the address or whatever" he says as he writes down something on a napkin

I take the napkin from him expecting an address (I'm not sure why) you should never trust him. I take the napkin and all that's on it is a poorly drawn dick with the word "ZOOM"

"Real funny Jimmy, and I see business is doing fantastic as it always" I say sarcastically

"I'll just text him"

I head out of the building and start walking down the street while waiting for a message back.

After about 2 minutes I get a text from Andy

"Yoo dude, yeah the address is 146 conch road we got some people over and some "stuff" you should probably just spend the night here, it'll be crazy

Shit that's kind of far, I hail a taxi and while we are on the way I'm texting mom "hey I'll be at a friend's house tonight see you after school love ya bye"

The driver gets to the stop and I pay the fair and begin walking up the driveway, god it reeks of marijuana and beer

"Hey I'm here I'll just let myself in" I send to the Andy and Ollie gc (a GC with Andy Ollie and Louise)

I walk into the house and I see about 4 kids I've never seen before stoned off their asses, and there were three in the back (including Andy) who were drunk, and other kids scattered around the house

Ollie has a little buzz going but once he found out I would be there he said he would not want to be totally shit faced.

"I've never actually tried weed before you know" I say to Ollie "I mean when I was younger I had met some pretty shady people and alcohol was something I had occasionally, but yeah never weed"

"Wanna try some? I got the good shit" Ollie told me

--20 minutes later--

"Man I am so high right now" I've said that about 17 times but i don't know I guess when I'm high I don't have answers just pointing out that I'm high.

Only the problem with ollie's "good shit" is it made me have some small black outs where I don't remember what I did, the weren't often though, but I ended up inviting Rudy during one of them.

I didn't say anything weird I just said "if you wanna have fun and try dr*gs you should come over

He walked in with a thick button up jacket, white shirt, and jeans.

I stumble over towards him slurring my words "you *hic* my friend, look lovely." I say while pointing at him, *hic* Also I'm a little bit drunk and very high, so please excussee *hic* anything I say"

Later on into the night me and Rudy decide to get to know people, my high was wearing off but I was still drunk.

We both ended up befriending almost everyone there. Thats gonna bite me in the ass in the future for befriending probably pot heads, but it's whatever.

Time Flies | Louise x Rudy | Bob's burgersWhere stories live. Discover now