10. Secret

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Shobhana's pov

Shubman's lips are so soft. What lip balm does he use??

His lips were perfectly attached to mine and God it felt so good to have my first kiss. He smiled as we kissed more causing me to do the same.

Oh, My God.

His hands went to my waist as mine went to his hair getting tangled in them.

A knock on the door made us pull apart our eyes wide.

"Wear a shirt," I whisper yell as he nods before wearing one.

I then take my book and sit on one of the chairs and continue reading as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, Shubman opens the door to reveal Ishan.

"Dude I finally asked Kriti out!!" he exclaims when Shubman closes the door.

"Yes, I won the bet! Shubman pass the 200 bucks," I smirk as Ishan yells.

"Oh my god! Since when are you here?" he asks.

" For about 20 minutes," I answered before turning the page of my book.

"Oh, you were doing some funny business? Hmm," Ishan smirks.

"Very funny Ishu," I mutter.

"Yeah, then what's this on Shub's lips?" he asks as I turn.

He then wipes his index finger and shows me. The fucking lip balm.

"She brought a new lip balm, so I just tried it on. Here catch," Shub answers throwing him my lip balm.


"Anyway, I have to go plan for my baby's date so bye!" Ishan smiles before walking out.

I sigh in relief jumping onto his bed as he does the same.

"Damn, that was close."


"I suppose we have to keep it a secret for at least a few days," he answers scratching his neck as I nod.

"Of course."

He pulled me in for another kiss but unfortunately, my phone rang.

"Dang, it."

I checked the phone to see Kriti calling me. " I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I speak before getting up. But he catches me by the wrist.

"What happened?" I ask. "What does this make us?" he questions as I give him a soft smile.

"What do you want it to be?"

"Can I get the chance of calling you, my girlfriend? " He asks smiling.

"Yeah," I answer causing him to smile more.

I pecked his lips before walking towards the door.

"As much as I want to stay, I have to go or else Kriti will kill me," I speak as he laughs.

It's been a good day.

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