17. Surprise Arrival

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Shobhana's pov

I was sleeping peacefully when a sudden sound made me fall out of my bed. Rubbing my back I got up.

Hearing more sound I took the cricket bat which was next to my bed before walking towards the window.

Opening the curtain I lift the bat to hit the person but the voice stopped me.

"Shobhana it's me!" the voice exclaimed. "Shubman, what the hell are you doing here?" I exclaim.

"You weren't picking up your phone!" he exclaims. "And why do you have a bat?" he asks.

" I thought someone was breaking in," I shrug as he snickers. "May I come in now?" he said. "Yeah," I mutter moving away as he climbed in.

"Nice room," he smiles. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Well I missed you so I came to see you," he answers as I hum.

"You never told me you play cricket," he smiles looking at my bat.

"I used to. Not anymore, " I answer keeping the bat near the cupboard.

"What why?"

"I-i, I stopped after my parent's death. They were coming back to watch my match when it happened," I answered.

"Oh. Ok, leave the sad part away. Tell me about this match." he spoke making me sit on the bed.

"Okay. So after our 10th finals, we had a match between our school and the neighbouring school. It happens every year."

"Wow," he mutters. "Go on."

"Well as usual me and the boys won," I shrug.

"Hold on. Boys?"

"Yeah, I was the only girl who played cricket. So the boys accepted me in their team." I answer.

"Wow, my girlfriend is a cricketer, yess!" he exclaimed.

"Anyway since when have you been playing?" he asked.

"uh for about 5 years? Yeah from 5th grade or something. Participated in society matches, inter-house matches, inter-school yeah." I answered.

"So you must have a lot of trophies right? I wanna see," he exclaimed.

He looked like an excited kid going to the carnival for the first time.

"They are on the shelf," I answer as he gets up to look at them.

"Holy shit! You have so many!!" he cheers going through them.

"By the way where are you staying?" I ask. "At Abhay's place. He stays here," he answers.

"Oh my God, when did you take this?" he asks showing me the photo. Oh, god. The one I framed.

"During the night shoot?" I answer more in a questioning manner.

"Oh, my god. You're blushing. You look so cute," he laughs patting my cheeks and making me laugh.

"Oh stop it!"  I exclaim laughing.

Beep beep beep!

"Great it's 6 am already," I mutter as I switch off the alarm. 

"You want coffee?" I ask him as he nods. "Ok brush your teeth and come, I'll keep it ready," I answer walking towards the bathroom. "I already brushed," he spoke. "Ok then wait."

Shubman's pov

Shobhana just went to the bathroom and I was looking around. She has such a clean room.

There were so many photographs on the wall and sports stuff. I found her photography equipment in one container.

Damn. She is so organized. Then I also found a book which was closed with a pencil inside. Curious, I opened the book hoping nothing inside was personal.

Thankfully she had just written down the locations and phone numbers for the photo shoot.

"Babe, coffee is ready!" I heard her voice from downstairs. "Coming!" I tell back before going downstairs.

We were both drinking the coffee when we heard a sound on the door.

"Shit my brother's home, go hide in my room!" she whisper yells as I do what she says. I heard muffled convos and footsteps.

Terrified I use the pipe to climb down quickly and hide behind a bush. Then I notice Shobhana's head pop out of the window. "Bye!" she slowly exclaims as I smile before running away in disguise.

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