1.) Shipwreck

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Y/N always felt like a fish out of water. As if there was an invisible string pulling her to the surface. Y/N has been obsessed with the human world for as long as she could remember. Always collecting the things that fell into the ocean and exploring the several shipwrecks much to her fathers dismay. After the death of Y/N's mother,  King Triton forbid his daughters from going to the surface. His intention was to keep them safe however Yasmin always felt restrained.

Tonight was supposed to be the coral moon, meaning King Triton would gather all of his daughters and have a long awaited family meeting. Yet Y/N was nowhere to be found.

Y/N was too busy exploring the shipwrecks with her fish friend Flounder. "Come on Flounder, stop being such a guppy," Y/N teased the fish.

"I'm not so sure about this Y/N," the fish said with concern in his tone.

"Fine, then you can keep an eye out for sharks," Y/N suggested as she swam through the window of the sunken ship.

"S- sharks," Flounder asked, but the mermaid was out of sight, "Wait up, Y/N"

"Woah, isn't it so cool?" Y/N asked while looking at a mysterious trinket. "I wonder what it's for, Scuttle will know" Y/N claimed.

"Don't you think we should head back, Y/N" Flounder suggested.

"Flounder, watch out!" Y/N exclaimed as a shark approached the window of the sunken ship. As the large creature broke through the glass Y/N frantically grabbed Flounder and began to swim away.  Once Y/N thought they were in the clear she turned around just to make sure and as they tried to escape the shark appeared once agin crashing through the wooden walls of the ship.  "Come on, Flounder!" Y/N shouted as she swam away, safely escaping the ship with the trinket.

Once back in the water, Y/N noticed that Flounder was no longer by her side. She turned around and noticed that the shark was chasing him. She quickly looked around for something to use to distract the large creature. She noticed a large rock and dropped it on the shark in order to divert its attention away from Flounder. She quickly swam away and hid behind a door, allowing her reflection to show on the mirror, tricking the shark. Once it got stuck Y/N and Flounder quickly made their escape.

"You okay, Flounder?" Y/N asked concerned for the fish.

"Yeah, I wasn't even scared," the fish lied.

"Oh, hey Scuttle," Y/N greeted the bird.

"Hi, Y/N, what do you have for me today?" Scuttle asked the mermaid.

"What's this," the mermaid asked pulling out the trinket.

"This, this is a dinglehopper," the bird confidently claimed.

"A dinglehopper?" asked the mermaid with curiosity.

"Yup, the humans use it to style their hair," the bird explained and used it on herself as an example, "You just give it a spin, you might pull a little bit with it." Scuttle said as a few feathers got tugged by the dingle hopper.

Y/N couldn't stop herself and attempted to use the dinglehopper on herself but heard her name being called out and quickly put down the trinket.

"There you are child, I've searched across the whole ocean for you," said Sebastian, her fathers advisor. 

"Oh no, Scuttle I've got to go," Y/N sighed as she swam away from the bird.

"Its okay, sweetie, I do too," said Scuttle, "I need some air"


"Dad, I'm so sorry," Y/N pleaded.

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