4.)For the First Time

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The now human girl quickly swam to the surface and flipped her hair once she was out of the water. She kicked her feet desperately trying to stay a float. 

"Come on now child," Sebastian sighed as he looked at the girl sorrowfully,"It's sink or swim."

Seeing the crab and the guppy brought her some sense of relief as she began to swim towards the shore however she was abruptly stopped in her tracks when she found herself entangled in fishing nets. She was suddenly being lifted out the water and dropped onto the wooden flooring of a fishing boat.

 She looked around anxiously as the sun barely beeked through, she was covered in seaweed and couldn't see  very clearly. She suddenly heard footsteps approaching her and quickly covered her nude body.

"Oh God, what are you doing here," the fisherman exclaimed as he untangled the net and saw the girl covered in seaweed. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it again remembering the deal she made with the witch. "You poor girl, you must be shooken up, I'll be right back, I'm going to fetch you some clothes"

She stared at him blankly before he went inside to go find her something to cover up with. As he left Sebastian and Flounder came from under the seaweed and Sebastian suggested Flounder to get off the boat, when he refused the crab simply pushed him off after telling him," you don't tell anyone about this, you understand,"

Suddenly Scuttle came and sat on Y/N's knees and tilted her head analyzing the girl. "Oh hey Y/N you look different," the bird concluded, "wait, dont tell me, its your hair huh, you've been using the dinglehopper" The girl simply chuckled and shook her head at the obliviousness of the bird.

"She got legs, you idiot" the crab exclaimed frustrated at the bird as Y/N removed the seaweed covering her feet and curiously wiggled her toes.

"How many times have I told you that I don't like it when you call me names," the bird began bickering with the crab. "Why don't you try saying something nice to me for once," the bird suggested, " Like, 'Hey Scuttle, your feathers look nice today'," she began but was quickly cut off by the fisherman coming back and shooing her away.

Sebastian tried to hide but the fisherman saw him and placed him in a trap.

"I'll take you to the palace, " he declared, "They'll know what to do with you there" Y/N widened her eyes hearing that she'd have a chance to meet the prince again.



Y/N now found herself in the back of a carriage being driven to the castle. She sat up and admired the scenery around her.

'Look at the sun and the sky and the sand,' she sung to herself internally, 'and the sea behind me'

'Look at me, suddenly I am on land and I'm free,' she smiled as she realized all the things she would get to experience for the first time.

'Don't mind me as I,' she vocalized mentally. 'Climb for the first time', she thought as she lifted herself up ever so slightly.

'Jump for the first time,' she suddenly shot up in the air and attempted to balance but soon realized it wasn't as simple as she thought,' Trying to stand but this gravity's pulling me down'


"What happend to her?" one of the palace workers asked the fisherman.

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