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I Like Me Better | Lauv

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"Thank you," I say and grab the bag of muffins from the counter.

"You're welcome! Enjoy your day!" The girl behind the counter, says grinning.

She had pretty pink eyes and a pair of brown, little wings sprouting out of her back.

A Faery.

It was quite common to see faeries. They were one of the high world creatures and were rarely caught being into illegal shit.

Unlike us darklings, they don't have powers. Sure, they have wings and can fly but that's about it.

"Thanks! You too!" I say back and walk out of the shop, with the single bell jingling on the top of the door.

I was five minutes from the library, outside a little bakery, holding a bag of muffins. I take a muffin out of the bag and bite into it, walking while holding it near my mouth. 

Mhmm Heaven

I get to the tall, dirty grey building of the library. It looks like a small castle from the outside, with its little balconies on the top and the spiral staircase covered by cylindrical walls, leading to the open balconies.

It wasn't a surprise seeing the Library open on a Sunday. It is open nearly the entire time except for national holidays and curfews.

I spend most of my free time in this library, away from the lunatic Azrael and his hell.

Sure, he comes to the library sometimes and I just make sure not to be anywhere near his existence.

I appreciate an Azrael- free, peaceful life, thank you.

It's not really easy, considering that he always lurks around the thriller section beside the romance. He occasionally graces me with his presence, by sitting across me and acting like I'm ruining his day merely with my being.

I should be the one saying that actually.

I enter the building as musky, humid, warm air hits my face and the smell of expired cheese, covered by a disappearing layer of room freshener, strikes my nose, making me gag inwardly.

The spraying sound of the room freshener brings me back to my senses. I look at Emery, the librarian, spraying it.

"Emery! Hey!" I say, going to her desk with the muffin bag.

"Hello, dear. I see you've brought me something, again." She says, with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh yes. I brought some muffins for you if that's alright.." 

"Good lord! how many times do I have to tell this dear girl not to bribe me with food." She gasps, giving me a playful angry look.

I just shoot her a sheepish smile.

"Anyways, which book would you like, dear?" She asks me, politely.

"I was thinking of reading it here and not borrowing it. You know, explore the romance in books a bit."

"Of course, of course." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Oh,  and also, He's here."

"Who?" I ask her, confused.

She simply shurgs before carrying on with her work.

"I'll see you later then." I let her know, going through all of the sections and stopping before the romance one.

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