Chapter 4

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It was nice to have a friend.

Now, when she walked around the school, people would say hi to her, solely because MG recognized her as a friend. She had someone to sit with whenever she took lunch. When she was doing homework, there was a person there to keep her company.

MG was funny and was helping her understand the most important aspects of their society– the literature and the games. The things people her age were obsessed with. What better way to fit in?

"You're a dragon," said MG in disbelief. "You can fly at crazy altitudes for super long periods of time and in all sorts of formations if you get creative. How do you get motion sickness from playing Mario Kart?"

"I don't know," she moaned, holding her head and leaning onto her knees. "But I need a break."

"Are you sure you want to go to the twins' party tomorrow night? There is for sure going to be alcohol and if you're getting sick with this–"

She shot up, looking offended. "I think I can handle alcohol better than all of you! I have been drinking since I was six years old!"

"Sure," said MG, having his doubts. "Whatever you say. Hey–" he leaned back as she tried to throw a pillow at him. "We'll see what happens to you after a few shots. I know I will for sure last longer because my body will metabolize it way faster than yours will. And if you end up plastered, I will reserve the right to use any evidence of it as blackmail material."

"It's my second week here and I'm already being blackmailed? Harsh. Besides, what am I expected to wear? And what are you wearing to impress..." she hesitated, unsure if she remembered the nickname they decided on. "Lavender?"

"Yeah, you remembered!" said MG proudly. "Good, we're getting you used to using nicknames for crushes. Speaking of, anyone caught your eye?"

"Emma is beautiful."

"She's the counselor, I don't think you can have a crush on her. At least not one that will amount to anything."

"Penelope is beautiful, too."

"Josie's ex, and though she's my friend, I think she may be a bit too mean for you. Not because you can't be mean–" he added quickly, seeing her expression drop, "but because you should have a good experience your first time in this world. If I get any indication that Penelope likes you, you'll be the first to know. Anyone else?"

"Aside from them, I don't know if I've been able to think of someone else that way. Besides, it's been way too long since I had a crush on anyone. I don't want romance just yet, I want... fun. I'm allowed to want that, right? What is um... oh, this may be awkward. In my time we were very comfortable discussing it. But ah... um... sex? What is the culture of that?"

"Still very much a big thing with teens and young adults like us," said MG. "Though I feel nobody really likes to talk about it much anymore. It's seen as taboo. Not that that matters. Everyone is doing it. Pretty much everyone in our age group has done it." He narrowed his eyes. "Wait a minute, you–?"

"Please, I was constantly near my parents," said Rhysaenya, face red. "I was their only child and we weren't exactly supposed to be living on Dragonstone. The opportunity never arose."

"I could make so many jokes right now but I want to be nice."

"Well, how grand of you."

"Then in that case, we don't need to worry about crushes. If fun is what you want and you don't care to make it special, I'm pretty sure we can work something out. Dating apps are getting better and better each year. And with my compulsion I can make sure whoever you pick to make your sexual debut with is a trustworthy person."

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