Final Author's Note

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That concludes Perzys Āeterña.

Thank you so very much to those of you who have stuck with this story, and especially to those of you who have been following along with all or most of my fics since the very beginning!

I loved writing this story. I have been planning for it for months and to finally bust it out is so thrilling. I enjoyed every second of it, though it was a lot of work, and is the reason why I hadn't done a Legacies story before this. (Not to mention it wasn't complete until recently.)

It was super fun to add the little Trigedasleng easter egg by having it be Tērragoñh's ancient language (I love The 100 but didn't have enough motivation/a good enough idea to make a fic for the fandom!) and it was even more fun to create the language Tērañguis. I felt so professional, lol, but I swear there are no major rules in this language so unfortunately am at a loss for going any further than what was done for this fic. Rhysaenya is definitely the OC I have put the most work into, which makes sense because I hadn't done a crossover in years and the last time I did, well, let's just say it didn't go so well. I've definitely grown as a writer and am proud to see the outcome of this fic.

I imagine the Super Squad eventually graduating and going to either build their careers or come back to be teachers at the school. I feel like Hope would be bouncing around everywhere helping her communities, factions united. Rhysaenya would be happy anywhere as long as she's with Hope. I wanted the scene at the end with them holding hands and kissing to kinda be like that last scene in Legend of Korra with her and Asami. As tough as Rhysaenya tries to be, she's a soft and shy baby when it comes to Hope.

It has been such a rollercoaster of emotions to write so many TVDU fanfics. It started as one idea and turned into twenty-three fics that I loved creating. My OCs for this fandom are something even more special to me than previous fandoms I wrote for. I hope that those of you who have stuck by since Nothing Dark Can Stay, Either are satisfied with all of them, because I know I am. I almost wish I had another TVDU idea, but I don't. I really do want to move on to Game of Thrones and only write a handful of stories before I retire from fanfic writing for good. I don't think I have it in me for much longer. I've been doing this for almost a decade at this point and it can't continue forever!

That being said, I am going to be taking a break from writing until after August 26th, at which point I will publish my first of the GoT fics. Be on the lookout for that if you're interested! I will still be active on all platforms to respond to messages and comments, but I won't be publishing another story just yet.

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

Perzys Āeterña | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now