Chapter 23

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We all watched as Nexy ran out of class abruptly. For the past 30 minutes, she's been staring at her phone nonstop. Her anxiety levels were through the roof that my wolf couldn't take it anymore. It was making us sick to our stomachs. Her body was trembling in pure terror, and she subconsciously called out to my wolf to embrace her and end her agony.

"Something is wrong." I mind-linked Mike.

"I can see that." He replied. He was still upset with her because of yesterday, but I told him that Tasha was probably the one behind it.

"No, Mike. You don't understand. She's in fucking agony. I've never seen my wolf more terrified than he is now." I could feel him in my mind, covering his snout with his paws trembling. This was Nexy's fear. She was passing her fear to us, begging us to help her.

"What do you want to do?" Mike asked me, concerned.

"We need to help her right now."

"What about Tasha?" He asked me.

"I don't care about Tasha! I am fucking scared right now, Mike. Something is wrong."

He looked at me and nodded. He wasn't used to me saying I was scared. It had to be bad for me to admit something like that to him. I stood up and glanced over at Melissa. She looked at me very concerned. "Let's go," I said to her. She nodded and stood up along with Mike.

"Where are you going, Damien?" Asked Tasha.

"Yeah. Where are you three going?" Asked the teacher.

"Home," I replied and walked out.

Tasha followed behind us as we made our way towards the exit. "Where the fuck are you going?" Tasha shouted at us.

"Go back to school class!" I shouted at her.

"No! Not until you tell me where-"

She didn't have time to finish her sentence. My wolf quickly took control and pinned her against the lockers by her neck. "I said, go back to class Tasha." She dug her claws into my arms, trying to break free, but that only triggered my wolf to squeeze tighter as she gasped for air. "Disobey my orders again, and I will snap this little neck of yours." I let go, and she fell hard on the floor, coughing and gasping.

"Amy is on her way," Mike said as we exited the building. Hopefully, we made it in time to save her. My wolf was a trembling mess in my head. He couldn't even speak to me.

"I hope she's okay." Melissa panicked as we ran towards her house. I was glad she lived nearby. Otherwise, this would've taken longer.

"I'm here!" Amy shouted behind us as we reached her house. There were no lights in the house, and the door was locked.

"There's a hidden key here," Amy said, lifting a duck statue on the ground. She grabbed it and unlocked the door. The house was empty, and the only light source was upstairs in her bedroom. "Wait here. I'll try to talk to her." Amy said, walking up the stairs. "We don't want to scare her."

She called out her name a few times but got no response. Panicked mode set in, and my wolf whimpered and trembled nonstop. Please be okay. Please be okay. I prayed to the Moon Goddess.

We watched as Amy opened up her bedroom room and looked around. "I think she's in the bathroom." She turned to us. I nodded at her to continue.

Something is wrong. My wolf finally spoke. I could feel it, too, and it was unbearable. I stepped up the stairs and heard the most haunting pitch scream from Amy.

No! No! No! I ran up the staircase towards her bedroom. I burst through her bathroom door and set my sight on something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. Amy was on the floor pulling Nexy out of the tub, crying and yelling hysterically to wake up.

No. No. No. No. No. My wolf shouted and howled at the sight of his mate as she lay in the tub filled with water and blood. Both her wrists slit open. Amy yelled for Mike to hurry, and I stood at the door, frozen. I tried to move, but my body wasn't reacting. All I could do was stand here, watching as blood poured from her wrist, and Mike ran in, pushing me out of the way as he went to tend to her wounds.

Every sound was muffled. Amy's yelling, and Mike shouting instructions at Melissa to grab anything to stop the bleeding. All I could do was watch as the light from her eyes slowly faded.

"Damien! Damien!" A muffled voice shouted. I looked down, and Melissa was pounding on my chest to wake me from my trance. But I couldn't move. I felt so useless, but I could feel that she was still barely alive. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, shouting my name. But my eyes never once left her.


The Mermaids' MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora