22: Big Boy date

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Today I was nervose. I had suggested to Will a couple days ago that we should go on a date. I personally decided that I wanted to be big during the date since I'm little all the time and thought being big would make it more special. While I'm sure it will be I am currently shitting myself. Will has picked out a place and told me to dress a casual warm. The weather's been getting colder as we reach winter and Will's been on me about wearing warmer clothes even when we're inside where it's quite warm.

I search our collective wardrobe for something nice but warm to wear. I settle on some thick black cargo pants with tights underneath to keep any cold from hitting my skin. From anywhere where wind might get in. I wore a black compression shirt under a light blue and white knitted jumper with a thick earth tone green jumper over the top of it. I styled the clothes so they looked good with my proportions attempting different ways. Jumpers tucked in, jumper tucked out. Jacket zipped and unzipped. I couldn't find a way that I liked it, I change out of the light blue thinking it stood out too much from the rest of the dull and darker clothes. I chose a completely white knitted jumper instead, flat colours on flat colours. I wanted to look perfect.

I decided the fit was good before moving onto doing something with my hair. It was getting to a gross stage in its growing. It was too short to put it up in something but so long it was in my eyes. I attempted to tuck it behind my ears and that didn't work so I messed up my hair but that just made me look messy and not cute. I attempted moving it in a way that it would look cute but felt like I was failing. I gave a defeated sigh before just shaking my head and letting the hair fall the way it wanted too, just as long as it was out of my eyes I was fine with it.

"Are you nearly ready baby?" Will called from outside the wardrobe. I sighed, still not happy with anything, I heard Will walk in and stand behind me as I stared at myself in the massive mirror on the wall. "You look great baby, what don't you like?" He asked snaking his hands around me. He was in an equally thick outfit.

"All of it. Do you even feel the cold?" I asked. Throughout my time asking vampire questions I found out vampires are not like Edward Cullen and they do sleep and get tired just like humans, I know blood helps body temperature to be the same or similar to a humans body temperature. Vampires don't like other vampires blood. It's like second hand or something he didn't really answer how that would work. Other than that. They don't burn in sunlight, they can run super fast, they are super strong. They don't sparkle or turn to ash. Their eye colours aren't red so basically they are humans that live forever with a need for blood and can run fast and are really strong.

"Of corse we feel cold, we feel what you feel." He kissed my temple before resting his chin on my shoulder. "Just in a different way. Also I see nothing wrong with you, you look amazing my dear, all nice and warm. However I want you to wear a beanie." He turned around and grabbed an earthy green beanie to match my jumper. "I don't want you to get sick." I turn to him with a pout as he put the beanie on me.

"Do I really look good. Also do vampires get sick?" I questioned. He fixed the beanie so it was over my ears and gave a kiss to my nose.

"You look wonderful my darling baby boy." He brought both his hands to wrap around my neck caressing my jaw with his thumbs. "I can barely take my eyes off you." Another kiss to the nose. He added another kiss to my forehead, then two more to my cheeks before giving me a kiss on the lips, it was deep and meaning full, it wasn't a long kiss but it wasn't a peck either. When he pulled away from the sweet kiss he placed his forehead on mine touching noses. "And no vampires don't get sick, at least not as easy as humans do. A little cold won't do anything to me." He smiled he beautiful contagious smile and interlaced one of his hands with mine. "Come one we should get going. I have everything ready already." He gave me another peck on the lips before placing space between our faces and leading me out of the room and out the front door of the mansion.

It really has been a long time since I've been outside outside. I was out in the little playground a couple days ago but that's not outside outside, and I wasn't there for long because Will was worried I'd get sick. I take in a fresh breath of clean forest air, it burnt my nose that's how fresh and cold it was. It's has to start snowing soon. There's no way it wouldn't. Sometime this week. I thought to myself.

Will kept leading us into the forest, I didn't expect it to be far from the mansion Will still has to be able to go at the call of his father so while we were far enough for privacy, we were still close. We did travel farther than I thought though.

"Where are we going?" I asked squeezing his hand a little to grab his attention. He gave a smile before looking at me.

"You'll see won't you?" His smile turned to a grin before looking back ahead of him. I gave him a pout but didn't say anything more just awaiting what he was going to show me. This would be my first date with anyone EVER! And no matter what was going to happen I already knew it was special.

"I thought we had to be close to the mansion." I state as we kept going further from it. It was now out of sight and the forest was getting wilder by the step, more untamed. Thicker bushes and more sticks and rocks to fall on.

"Dad let me off for today, so I changed the plan, just trust me." I nod my head even though he wasn't looking at me. I nearly tripped on a few roots and loose rocks and such. Before I knew it Will slowed down to a stop. "I'm going to cover your eyes okay." I nod my head before he gently placed his cold hands over my eyes I flinched before getting used to them. He led me softly through some bush and scrub, making sure don't trip or get wacked by anything. "Almost there." He informs me softly as we take a few more steps I realise we're in a clearing. Less things to trip on less things. "Are you ready?" I reply with a yes curious what this place looked like. It was obviously special to him. He released my eyes and it took my eyes a second to adjust to the beaming bright light of the sun.

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