Ch. 4: Alius Mundi

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Yamato forcefully dragged Tachibana into the room, her grip firm yet gentle as she maneuvered her friend through the doorway. Alaska followed closely behind, her expression filled with concern for her unconscious companion.

"What happened to her?" Alaska inquired, her voice laced with worry. "Why did she faint? And what on earth are these bodies doing here?"

Yamato sighed, the putrid stench of decay assaulting her senses. "I'm not entirely sure. The smell in this place is unbearable. It seems that someone has left these corpses here, but the question remains as to why."

Alaska nodded in agreement, her gaze fixated on Tachibana. "We need to get her away from this gruesome sight. Let's move her to a safer place."

Together, they carefully transported Tachibana to the farthest corner of the cafeteria, away from the haunting presence of death. Gently laying her down, they ensured her comfort, their concern evident in their actions.

"I'm starting to grow accustomed to the smell," Yamato remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and dark humor. "It seems that our bodies have adapted surprisingly well to this unpleasant environment."

A worried frown creased Alaska's forehead. "Despite that, I don't think it's good to move Tachibana from here just yet. Her reaction to the scene was quite severe. We should allow her some time to recover before attempting to relocate her."

Yamato nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Alaska's concern. "You're right. We must prioritize her well-being above all else. It's best to wait until she regains consciousness and check her condition before making any decisions."

A sigh escaped Alaska's lips as she glanced around the room, her nose wrinkling at the putrid odor. "This smell is unbearable. Let's hope it doesn't have any long-lasting effects on our health."

Yamato nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the room filled with lifeless bodies. "Agreed. The last thing we need is to meet our demise just because of the foul stench of rotting corpses. It's a chilling thought."

Alaska's voice wavered with a mix of fear and anger. "Who could be responsible for such a horrifying sight? It must be the work of those Sirens, those beings that have invaded this world."

"Yes, it's highly likely," Yamato replied, her voice filled with determination. "The Sirens have always been a threat, but this takes their depravity to a whole new level. We must uncover the truth and put an end to their schemes."

A sudden glimmer of curiosity flickered in Alaska's eyes. "Since we're stuck here waiting for Tachibana to wake up, I feel compelled to explore this place further. Would you like to accompany me?"

Yamato hesitated, her unease evident. "As much as I trust you, I don't feel comfortable wandering around in this smelly place. I'll stay here with Tachibana, but I will find a place to let her sleep. You go ahead, but please be careful."

Alaska nodded, her determination unwavering. "I understand. I'll proceed cautiously and keep an eye out for any danger. I won't be long."
Tachibana opened her eyes, greeted by the sight of a white ceiling with dangling lights. As she attempted to stand, a wave of pain surged through her head, prompting her to lie back down.

Confused and disoriented, she murmured, "Huh? Where am I?" Casting her gaze to the left, she noticed a table, and then to her right, where Yamato sat, still asleep on the bed beside her.

"This must be a bedroom," Tachibana deduced. However, she quickly realized that something important was missing. "Huh, where is my katana?"

Searching the room, Tachibana spotted her weapon resting on the table to her left. Relieved, she muttered, "Good. It's still there. Wait, how long was I sleeping?"

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