Ch. 5: The Weight of Secrets

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-Swear word.

-Non-kid stuff (Not the NSFW stuff)


"Hey, Tachibana! Have you finished installing them yet?"

"Yamato... Can't you be more patient? There are only three lamp posts left, and besides, wasn't this your idea in the first place?"

A few days had passed, and their designated base was undergoing the necessary improvements. Roads were being repaired, facilities were being repainted, and docks were being cleaned up, ensuring that the place was suitable to become their new home. At the moment, both of them were installing lamp posts to illuminate the area when night fell.

"I understand... But it's becoming quite monotonous! All I'm doing is moving this ladder from one spot to another just watching. I'm getting tired of gazing at the waves, you know?" She said, sighing from the driver's seat.

"Hey, we have this jeep to transport the lamp posts, so you don't have to keep walking back and forth. And if you're bored... Why don't you lend me a hand with the rest... HUH?"

"Hey, you're an engineer, while I'm a programmer. We have different types of work, so I can't contribute as much! Ehe~!"

"Ehe te- Agh, Cringe! Stop with the excuses! I'm seriously asking you to help me, so we can finish this faster. I want to have a nice rest after this, so the quicker, the better."

"Hehe, unless you-" Yamato's smug face was about to deliver an inappropriate joke but was Immediately shut down by Tachibana.

"Enough," she said, glaring from the top of the ladder. "Hah... Can't believe you're still cracking jokes even after coming to another world."

"Why not? A little humor doesn't hurt. It lightens the mood. Unless you're having-


"...What kind of friendship do a group of friends have if they're always too serious? We're not robots. So just be yourselves. And we're free from our past life, far from society. So, we can do whatever we want without worrying about anyone judging us! Woohoo!" She said excitedly, raising her hands in the air.

"That's until we get charged for crimes against the Azur Lane..." Tachibana remarked dryly.

"Meh... Not scared. I'm not much of an Azur Lane fan, but they won most of their battles due to plot armor. The Sirens could easily decimate them to ash, but they hold back so much."

"Don't most stories with the MC winning do so because the writer wants it that way?" Tachibana countered. "We should be grateful for that, or we'd be dead on day one. Maybe even within an hour or less. Now! Help me with this!" She said, snapping back to the task at hand.

"Ugh... Fine, I'm a good friend, so of course, I'll help."

' "Good friend" my ass.' She thought as she descended the ladder. 'It's clear as day that you're just a lazy slob.'

"...Looks like it's already 3 PM. So much for installing all of these during the afternoon..." Tachibana groaned upon looking at the watch she took. "Let's eat for now before continuing."

"It's that late already? Oh well, then let's call it a day for now! Let's go and eat some food!" Yamato happily agreed.

'Now I can finally take a break!' She thought with glee as they drove away to get their meal.


While both of them were taking care of the upgrades regarding the harbor, Alaska, on her own accord, traversed the sea, patrolling the area and investigating islands. Yamato was very concerned about her safety, but Alaska assured her that she would be fine and cautious, avoiding direct contact with any Azur Lane ships as much as possible. Only after they performed their small promise ritual (an advanced version of the Pinkie Promise) would Yamato let go, wishing her good luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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