Camouflaged Maneuvers

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TW: a description of a panic attack mentioned later in this chapter, if this bothers you please don't read this chapter..lots of love


"come on girls let's go!" Abby calls

"course we have to talk about Binards Ville New Jersey..second..second..second..second."

"one of our duets was's okay everyone needs knocked down a few pegs even you Maddie, such as life so let's talk about the group dance you looked exquisite but i didn't see a love story if you want to be second then you did a great job..if you wanna win we need to go back to the basics im not going to yell at you or scream at you or anything else i'll just smile and be sweet and nice and you be second"

i look to Kenzie in confusion

"this week we will be travelling to Minneapolis we will attend Intensity Dance we've been there before we're going again..let's move on to the pyramid."

"first Mackenzie, eleven points between you and the next person eleven points."

"next on the pyramid Nia, you weren't feeling well we can blame that you didn't know how to perform but the legs get sloppy the feet get sloppy the arms get sloppy"

"next i have Paige, your arms out of control i tell you, you still do it wrong."

"next Camila."

i smile

"you're back..i thought you looked great in the duet with Maddie and that's why you're back on the team but listen kid..this doesn't mean you're here for life you have to keep proving yourself and you have to keep working..and maybe control your mother while you're at it." Abby says

i nod

"next Maddie, you did four turns in second in the corner stunning..then you bobbled on simple easy things i threw you a lifeline you must've missed it."

"next Kendall, remember i told you before your mom could hurt you or she could help you this week she helped you..she wants you right on Maddies heels chomping at the bit i think that's a good thing."

"i think it's a little cut throat each to it's own." Holly says

"if dance competitions aren't cut throat i don't know what is." Abby says

"and now the top of the pyramid Brooke, and Brooke don't forget the person on top of the pyramid always has a target on their back you're the one to knock down a peg"

Kendall Maddie
Camila Paige Nia Mackenzie

Chloe then raises her hand

"yes?" Abby asks

"what about me?" Chloe asks

"what about you?" Abby asks

"how come i'm not on the pyramid.." Chloe mumbles

"you're still on suspension." Abby says

i frown for Chloe this isn't fair i'm on the pyramid so Chloe should be too

"the group routine is Don't Ask Just Tell now this a term that's used in the military and we're going to try to tell the story onstage"

"i also have a few solos my first one will be Brooke, my next solo goes to Kendall maybe those privates in the hallway paid off"

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