Chapter 5: Magic Tattoos See All

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It took time, as it always did, but eventually Sophia settled into a new rhythm in Fairtide. The 80s were different from any other decade she'd experienced. Music was rockier. Clothes were brighter. Hair was curlier. And Sophia loved every minute of it.

Sophia fiddled with her locket. She could feel the power that radiated from it and wished to speak with Aphrodite about what she'd done. Yet no matter how many times Sophia sought her out in the water, Aphrodite never appeared.

"Show me a sign!" Sophia screamed one night into the abyss of the ocean. The wind picked up around her, whipping her hair around her face. Just as quickly, it calmed and the water in front of her stilled.

In a fit of anger, Sophia threw a pebble into the water. But with her tiny figure and terrible aim, it only landed with a thunk about a foot in front of her.

A chuckle sounded behind her, followed by a voice that sent a happy shiver down her spine. "Rough day to be a rock, hm?"

Sophia turned around, her gaze landing on the dark-haired man who approached. The cuffs of his pants were rolled up past his ankles and he wore a denim shirt.

"I'm not even sure how to respond to that." The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile.

The man stuffed a hand into his back pocket. "Name's Thomas, by the way."

"Sophia." She shook his hand, a familiar feeling tingling over her skin when they touched.

"You're new in town, yeah?"

Sophia nodded. "Family travels a lot for my aunt's work. But likewise, I haven't seen you around much either."

Thomas scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I've just moved here recently as well."

"Do you come out here often?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah. I've found it's a good place to clear my head." Thomas pointed out in the distance. "Sometimes I'll swim out to that rock and lay on top."

Sophia sucked in a breath. "Me too." Do you remember me? Please, tell me you do.

Thomas grinned cluelessly. "Maybe I'll see you around sometime, Sophia?"

Her heart pounded against her chest. "I'd like that."


A car horn honked outside the stone cottage in Fairtide, alerting Sophia to the arrival of her new beau, Thomas. She grinned, grabbing her bag and rushing out to meet him.

"Hi," she greeted him, leaning over to kiss his cheek from the passenger seat.

Thomas grinned back, his green eyes filled with mischief.

"How much do you think Louise will hate me if we actually go through with this?" he asked, referring to the plans they'd made in secret the night before.

Sophia tugged a loose curl around her finger before drawing the sides of her jean jacket together.

"She won't like it," Sophia replied. "But Lily will despise it even more." She scoffed. "Lily is all about us blending in but I mention one little thing about a tattoo and that's what angers her."

Thomas entwined their fingers together over the center console. "She warmed up to me though, didn't she? Especially with me knowing that you're an Aquarid."

"Yes, but that's because I threatened to run away with you." Sophia glanced over at him. "Aquarids and Syfires are still sworn enemies. If Lily ever found out that you're the latter..."

"Hey, we've made it work this far, haven't we?" Thomas reasoned.

Sophia swallowed, staring into his innocent green eyes, but didn't reply. She hoped that this time with Thomas would be better than all the rest.

The Syfire's Seduction: An Anthology | Prequel of The Mer ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now