Chapter 8 Sweetest omega in the world

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Fan Xing has too many blind spots

in life. On the first night when Fu Lingi

took a bath in Fu Linqi's bathroom, Fu

Linqi didn't hear the sound of water

coming from inside after tossing for half an hour.

Pushing open the door and taking

a look in, only to find Fanxing sitting in

the bathtub at a loss. Seeing him push

the door and go in, his eyes were red with grievance, and he pointed to the

water heater hanging on the wall, and

said pitifully.

"Aqi, I can't boil the water."

Fan Xing was sitting in the bathtub naked, her skin looked a third whiter than the bathtub under the warm yellow

light. His hands were wrapped around

his knees, his protruding knuckles were

blue from the cold. The thin shoulders

are slightly shrugged, and the two butterfly bones behind him protrude outward like a butterfly with wings

ready to fly.

Looking at Fu Linqi with wet eyes,

his pointed chin rests on his knees, and

his drooping bangs cover his eyebrows

and the upper part of his eyes. Fu Linqi

could only see the starry sky hidden in

the lower half of his eyes, and he found

himself shamefully hard. Just looking at the child's pure body, he couldn't restrain his eyes.

Walking over with a stiff body, sea salt-flavored pheromones emanated from his body uncontrollably. Fu Linqi turned on the water heater for Fanxing, and the warm water instantly surged

from the bottom of the bathtub,

wrapped Fanxing's carcass, and

wrapped his whole body in the mist. Fu Lingi lowered his head not to look at Fanxing, turned around to leave, but Fanxing grabbed the hem of his

clothes from behind.

"Aqi, you are salty, do you want to take a bath with me?" If he didn't know Fanxing's

situation, if he couldn't see Fanxing's clear eyes without any impurities, Fu Linqi would really suspect that he was the little vixen who was taken by the

rival company to seduce him.

But Fan Xing is not, he just thinks

that he is sweating thoughtfully. She

kindly asked him if he wanted to take a

bath with him, maybe sitting in the

bathtub alone with water all over his

body made him a little scared. In short,

no matter what the reason was, it

wasn't the reason why Fu Linqi would

get hard.

The stars, which were as clean as

a piece of white paper, made Fu Linqi want to take good care of him, and even more want to press him under his body, soil him, and make him cry. It would be nice to be able to cry and call him a big bad, because he's really bad.

"No need, the smell on me is the smell of my own pheromones. Fan Xing also has the smell of her own


If it wasn't for Fanxing's scent on

him, he would have almost forgotten that he was surrounded by Fanxing's pheromone these days. The child didn't know how to restrain his pheromones. After Fu Linqi taught him a few times, the pheromones became more intense. Fu Linqi randomly gave up the idea of letting Fanxing take back the

pheromone, and Fanxing would only

stay at home anyway.

"Do I also smell of pheromone?"

Fanxing raised her head, looking at him

through a layer of warm water mist,

"But the children in the alley said I smell


Obviously not, Fanxing has the sweetest taste in the world. The mellow aroma of milk and the aroma of

biscuits made Fu Lingi want to stop.

"No, Fanxing is the sweetest

omega in the world." Fu Linqi rubbed

the top of Fanxing's hair, feeling that

the trend beneath him might not stop in

a short time.

"Fan Xing takes a good bath by

herself, then get dressed and come out

to look for me, okay?"

Fu Linqi didn't dare to stay longer,

fearing that he would do something

irrational. After meeting Fan Xing, he

discovered that love at first sight really

exists in the world.

"Okay." Fanxing squinted her eyes

and nodded with some enjoyment, and

then fiddled with the water in the

bathtub excitedly.

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