CH7: Reunions and Celebrations

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Eight months passed in a jiffy. There wasn't a single day that I didn't miss Tushar. I have to wait for only two more days and Tushar would be here. I couldn't contain my excitement. I wanted to twirl and dance around in the corridors.

I looked around the staff room and let out a silent squeal. "Woah looks like someone is happy! " Trisha entered the staff room with an amused look on her face.

I shrugged, grinning widely, and rotated the chair around spreading my arms wide. Thankfully no one else was present and I didn't even care that Trisha has been teasing me for the past week.

"Of course, I'm happy Trish! He's going to be here soon. How can I not be happy!" I squealed and giggled. Trisha laughed shaking her head, she sat beside me.

"I'm happy for your Anju!" I grinned widely. "Thank you, Trish! I'm happy too."

"Now coming to the point. I'm here to let you know that we're going out after school today. So try to wrap up everything as soon as possible." I tapped my pen against the table shaking my head.

"I can't Trish. I'm planning to stay back today to finish all my pending corrections and I have to enter the student's marks. I want a minimum workload when Tushar gets back so that I have enough time to spend with him. So, sorry can't make it today. Come back to me in a week then I'll reconsider this offer."

Trisha frowned and shook her head.
"No Anju. I want you to come with me today. Please, please! It's been so long since I have spent some time with my best friend. I want to go out." I sighed when she made her signature puppy face. When Trisha wanted something and didn't get it immediately she always used that face.

I was about to argue when she raised her hand halting me from protesting further. "Just today okay! Last month had been crazy because of the annual day celebrations. We barely hung out. The two of us have been busy. Please, just today! I promise you'll have all the time to correct your books!"

She did have a point. We had been busy the past month and barely went out. "Okay fine! We can go out today. Don't disturb me tomorrow okay." She squealed and hugged me tightly. She quickly texted someone and grinned at me widely. I squinted my eyes. She had a wicked gleam in her eyes that left me wondering where we were going this evening.

Honestly, with Trisha, it could be a million crazy things. "Where exactly are we going again?" I asked and tapped my pen once again on the table.

"Oh relax I'm not going to take you somewhere crazy. Trust me." I snorted a laugh and shook my head. "Ha! Trust you! No, thank you! The last time you said that you dragged me into a haunted house with a bunch of Ghost Busters because you were bored of the living and wanted to see how ghosts were doing. So yeah I'm not going to blindly trust you. That's only one thing which you made me do two months back. I have a huge list. Do you want me to start reciting them?"

Trisha rolled her eyes and pocketed her phone. "Hey for the record I'm giving you adventures of your lifetime Anju! But no you can be assured that this doesn't involve any ghost hunting."

"I can only hope and pray!" I muttered and continued correcting the books. "Don't be dramatic. You loved it just as much as I did. Although it would have been fun to have stayed in that house overnight." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Anyway don't forget after school meet me outside. Don't be late." She tapped her watch, gathered her books, and left the staff room for her next class. I sighed and went back to correcting my books. The rest of the day passed by quickly.

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