Eddie- wow. (Angst)

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(WARNING: Fat shaming)

Y/n and Eddie has been together for almost a year now but y/n was still not introduced to Josh, Mully, Narrator and Juicy but now y/n was gonna finally meet them today on a call. The boys made a plan to make a video called "Meeting Eddie's Girlfriend???" and its just about y/n with Eddie on a call with the other boys. Y/n was kinda nervous considering she doesn't do to well meeting new people. Eddie looked at y/n and said "Its gonna be okay." He smiled holding her hand. Y/n nodded and smiled back then Eddie joined the call right when they were still making Narrator do a intro for the channel. 

"Aaannndd nevermind they are already here. Forget it Narrator." Josh said. 

Y/n has noticed Josh's accent. 

"Is this y/n???" Juicy asked

"No dipshit obviously its Ariana Grande's kid with the Weekend." Josh had said.

Everyone had a laugh and things were actually going great...until...

"Why does y/n look so...fat?" Mully said.

All y/n thought was "What.". Juicy joined along saying "Yeah you're right, Eddie who knew you liked the fat ones."

Y/n looks down a bit as her insecurities waved over her. She had dealed with fat shaming before and her weight and her chubbiness was her number one insecurity. How could Eddie let his friends say that about her? Did he plan this with them as a joke? If so it was NOT fucking funny.

"What can I say? Bigger they are the more meat they have...but y/n you need to lose some weight amor." Eddie said looking at you as if he was waiting for you to laugh and joke along.

How can he possibly think that its okay his friends that she doesn't even know is allowed to fat shame her and for him to join along with??? Who does he think he is. Y/n just laughed awkwardly "Yeah you're right..." 

They continued to make jokes making y/n feel so shit about herself to the point where she really wants to cry. Then they continued to have conversations. Y/n didn't know what the point of her being on that call was anymore. Y/n excused her way out to the bathroom and left to the bedroom locking herself in there and just started to bawl her eyes out. "What the actual fuck." She whispered to herself crying in anger and sadness. 

About 30 minutes have passed and Eddie and everyone was talking waiting for y/n. "Eddie where is your girlfriend she had been in the bathroom for a while now." Narrator said. "She's probably taking a dump." Juicy said. Eddie got up to go check on her and went to the bathroom to see the door open and no Y/n. He went to the bedroom but the door was locked he put his head against the door and heard faint sobs from the other side. "Why the fuck is y/n crying? What happened?" Eddie thought. He knocked on the door and called for y/n. "Go away Eddie." Y/n said in a tone. Eddie went back to the call "Hey boys I got to go." He left the call and went back to the bedroom door. "Y/n, Mi amor! Please open the door." Y/n did open the door but she just walked passed him annoyed. "What did I do?" Eddie said following y/n.

Y/n immediately turned to him once he asked.

 "What do you mean what did you do? You literally let YOUR friends who I am NOT close with or friends with fat shame me and you joined along with them as a joke and it was not fucking funny. You seem like you don't care about me when it comes to your friends. Whenever you and I plan to go on a date you cancel it so last minute to make a video or go on a trip with THE BOYS forgetting about me and not even texting me when you leave! You only care about THE BOYS channel and THE BOYS who are in there! FUCK! I don't know why I am even here. I have gave you so many chances to change for me but you can't even do that???"

 Y/n walked passed him putting on her shoes and was about to leave. "Wait! Y/n! I'm sorry! I will change things are just getting caught up right now and I know I shouldn't have joined in on the joke it wasn't funny I fucked up I'm sorry." "WELL IF YOU KNEW WHY DID YOU STILL JOIN IN ON THE JOKE?" Eddie started to think. 'why did I join in with them...' Y/n opened the door. "Wait where are you going?" "To go to the gym to lose weight." Y/n left. 

Hours have passed and y/n finally came back. Eddie immediately ran to Y/n asking if she was okay, if she was hurt. "I am fine." Y/n said. 

Y/n went in the room putting away the hoodie she was wearing. Eddie walked in and hugged her. "It was my mistake on joining in on the joke. It wasn't funny. I shouldn't have done it because it has hurt you and you are the most important thing in my life. Without your support I wouldn't have been here. You are amazing and I am sorry for cancelling dates and not spending enough time with you, I will improve on that as our relationship continues. I love you y/n." 

Wow...Y/n never saw Eddie like this in fact...he seems like he means it especially since he never was the one to apologize until now...

"I forgive you although...I am still mad at you." Y/n said hugging him back. "And I love you too."

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