𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 41

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♪ I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young ♪

Dedicated to my girl @AestheticallyLexi. Happy birthday, Love! I hope you have a great day. I am happy that Wattpad got us both on the same path and that I got to know you. Thank you for your support and friendship. Wish you the best of the best!

Max Verstappen POV

Seeing her state was making me want to forgive her, which is fucking stupid. She wanted me to show weakness but she is my weakness, she and Olivia are my only weakness and I am about to lose one of them.

"I didn't cheat on you. She didn't catch me cheating on you, you heard her at the end of her rant so it sounded bad, I know it did but please, believe me when I tell you that I didn't do it" She says finally looking into my eyes and I am believing her.

"What did she find in that room that was so important for her to tell me and for you to hide?" I ask skeptical. Please, give me a good reason baby. I just need one reason.

"I had just done a pregnancy test when she found me and it was positive. She spent half an hour lecturing me like she knew me or our relationship. I told her the pregnancy was an accident and then she said that. She got in, she wanted to call you immediately, I asked her not to do it, that I needed time to think about it. I wasn't cheating. I was so shocked and scared that I let her humiliate me for half an hour. I didn't mean for this to happen, I was on the pill, I can show you my pills, I took them all religiously" She explains calmly and I feel that even my heart stopped.

"You are pregnant?" I ask to make sure my mind wasn't making things up.

"I am Max, but I know we have Olivia, I can raise this baby on my own. I don't need money or help. I didn't do it on purpose but I can have a baby and I will have a baby" She says clearly nervous and I let my head fall back.

"Who the fuck had the nerve to get inside my room without authorization? And who does she think she is to lecture my girlfriend about my child? Are these people getting crazy or what?" I ask interested in who would dare to do such a thing.

"She is part of the PR team, she needed you for a video but she found me instead" She says as confusion filled her face.

"I guess she will be unemployed soon enough for her to rant about it instead. Come here" I say getting up from my chair and she looks up at me as I opened up my arms.

"What do you mean? Have you missed the part where I am pregnant or are we ignoring it?" She asks as she carefully got up.

"We are having a baby, I am happy about it. I don't care how or why it happened, we are doing it. You might as well get used to me for the rest of your life" I say as I finally hugged her and I feel my eyes filling with tears.

"You are happy about it?" She asks and I feel her voice breaking.

"Don't cry baby. Having a baby is no reason to be sad. It's you, I want it all with you and I think Olivia will enjoy having a little baby brother or sister in her life. I wouldn't get mad at you, I made it too. And I happen to have fallen very hard for you so that's going in my favor" I say taking a step back and facing her.

"You are crying too" She says wiping my tears and I nod.

"I am happy. I thought this would be the end of us and this is only the beginning of a new chapter. I love you Claire, I really do. And I will get married to you before the baby is born if that will make you more comfortable with the idea" I say caressing her cheek and she smiles.

"I don't need any of that. I just need you, Olivia, and our families. I will be fine" She says happily.

"I will schedule an appointment in Monaco for us to see how everything is going. Your passing out while pregnant is not reassuring to me" I say as we sat back down again.

"Are you seriously not mad?" She asks clearly confused at my reaction.

"I've had a kid with someone I didn't love. I love her with my whole being. I will definitely have a kid with the woman I love and I won't be a prick to the point of being mad, we both contributed for it to happen. How did it happen? I don't know, but I am here to help you along the way. In no way are you having my baby without me around. Get used to me, you will get tired of me darling" I say as I started eating and she nods.

We talked for a bit more, and she told she had been feeling odd so she decided to take a test, she believes she is not too far along, maybe a month max. When breakfast ended we got up from the table and started getting everything inside the suitcases so we could leave for Monaco and enjoy the summer break.

"I will ask Christian for photos of everyone on the PR team and I will take care of the problem. I just need to know who it was" I say as we were finishing.

"You don't need to fire her, she probably thought this would ruin your image. I don't want that backfiring on me" She says nervously and I smile, she is so freaking cute because she is unconsciously pouting and I love it.

"Baby, I would do anything for you. Don't be nervous, I can definitely be the bad guy" I say kissing her forehead.

I called Charles and asked him if he wanted to come back to Monaco with us on the plane, which was a yes and Lorenzo and Arthur were both there and accepted the invite. We met in the lobby and I knew that Charles was the one she went to talk with. He kissed her cheek and then smiled at me before giving me a wink.

"Congratulations" He says as we walked to the car and I smile.

"Thank you. I will take care of her" I say confidently.

"I know" He answers as he got in the Ferrari he had rented all weekend and we get in my car.

"Mommy, are you feeling good today?" Olivia asks holding Claire's hand and she smiles.

"I am liefje. Thank you for asking baby" She says sweetly and Olivia smiles pleased.

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now