𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 49

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♪ And if he lives up to my father
Maybe he could teach our daughter ♪

Max Verstappen POV

Lifting the trophy on Sunday marked the end of the season and a pretty good end as well, Charles got second place which made me happy. I never saw so much champagne in my life. This year Covid wasn't a thing so the whole atmosphere was intense! Seeing our whole family there was unique.

Olivia and Claire weren't seen much, I saw them I got the trophy and I hugged them but Claire said they would go to the motorhome since it's not that safe being pregnant in this chaos and Olivia was clearly scared of the crowd. I did everything I had to do, the podium, interviews, and a lot of things had to be done before I got permission to leave. I finally did it after two hours.

"Where is Claire?" Charles asks when we were walking to our motorhomes.

"She is in the motorhome, she is being cautious" I say as I enjoy the quietness even though there were still a lot of people in the paddock.

"Max!" I hear my mom calling and I look back as I see her running in my direction.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask confusedly, she was in the motorhome with Victoria and the kids. She didn't want to expose them to so many people, they had gone with Claire and Olivia.

"Something is wrong" She says worriedly and we both stop in our tracks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confusedly.

"Tom was in the motorhome with the kids, we went to join him after the podium and the trophy was lifted but Claire and Olivia never got there. He never saw them, we have been looking for them for the last hour. Even her mom and brothers are looking. Your rental car is gone too, her phone was found in the garage" My mom says in complete panic and I feel my mouth getting dry and my pulse accelerating.

"Tell me this is a joke. I won't be mad, please" I beg her before my body feels the complete panic traveling through it.

"I'm sorry, I think she left with Olivia. I don't know when or why" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Fucking hell!" I almost scream as my mind goes blank. I run to the motorhome to see how the fuck she even had my keys. Maybe she had left a paper or something.

I arrived at my room and everything was turned upside down, someone clearly looked for the keys and my wallet. They were gone. What the fuck is happening? I called our security and they got here in 5 minutes, and so did Christian, Sergio, and Helmut. I think they noticed the general panic in our faces.

"I am so sorry Max. There were too many people and... um" The security chief starts saying and he was sweating heavily white stuttering.

"Just spit it out, my pregnant wife is missing and so is my daughter!" I say angrily and he nods nervously.

"Your ex entered the circuit and she was seen on the paddock a bit before the race ended. We called the police as soon as her disappearance was notified a few minutes ago, images are now being watched to see when they entered the car and left" He says nervously and I am completely dumbfounded.

"Fucking hell, you just had to keep that woman from entering any circuit. How did she even get inside the motorhome and made a whole confusion in my room? How did no one notice? What are you being paid for? Being useless?" I ask completely angry with how they were negligent.

"We don't know, maybe she knew someone who let her in" He says nervously. Another security guard arrives and seems nervous looking at me.

"Claire and Olivia left an hour and a half ago with Amelia. Claire looked at the cameras and made sure she was seen. She intercepted them a bit after they passed the garage. She said something to Claire and she seemed to be holding a knife and they left calmly"

"A woman with a knife was allowed inside the circuit and the paddock? This is a problem for the whole event organization. This is fucking unacceptable" I say as fury settled in. If people did their job none of this would be fucking happening in a day that was supposed to be good.

The police got in and everything was explained as they gave them a pen with all the recordings of Amelia. I gave them all my information, and they informed us they would go with us to the apartment and wait for a possible ransom request while searching in which hotel Amelia was in.

We left the paddock soon after and 2 officers entered our rented penthouse. They had a few things to track any call and record it. I couldn't even eat as we waited and suddenly my phone rings with an anonymous call. I waited for their go-ahead and picked it up a few seconds later.

"Hello?!" I say as I felt my heart racing.

"Hello Max, congratulations on the championship. You are on fire lately" She says with a cocky attitude and I swallow the insults I wanted to throw at her.

"I want them, cut the bullshit Amelia" I say harshly and she laughs.

"They are fine, just a little bit nervous"

"What do you want Amelia?" I ask angrily.

"For you to hear as your dear girlfriend chooses between her life and your daughter. I know you are tracking this call so you will also hear someone die and there isn't enough time for you to save both" She was excited about it and I was completely panicking. Our families were crying, Pascale and my mom were silently sobbing.

"I have a lot of money, you know it. Enough for you to disappear. Tell me how much you want, don't hurt them, please" I beg leaving my pride behind because I couldn't care less.

"Claire. Will I shoot you or will I shoot your fake daughter? Will you protect your unborn child or will you protect the girl whose blood is mine?" She asks and I hear Olivia crying. My heart is breaking.

"Just fuck off, why don't you Amelia?" Claire's question is followed by a loud sound but it wasn't someone being shot.

"Be more respectful honey, you are 6 months pregnant, there is no time for being stupid to the person who is holding the gun. Make a choice or I will" She threatens and I feel my heart stopping as silence settled in.

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