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After eating dinner San put the girls to bed and went back to Wooyoung.
"Wanna go for a ride on the motorcycle?"

Wooyoung looked up at the teen dad and smiled.
"You have two helmets?"

"Obviously, my family goes on rides too. I can just take one from my dad he goes biking too."
San sat down next to Wooyoung and put a hand around him.

"I guess we can go then."
Woo slid closer to San and looked at his eyes.

"Alright, I'll be back shortly."
San stood up and went to get his helmet and to his dad right after.

"Yes San?"
His dad looked up.

"Can I please borrow one of your helmets?"

Sans dad smiled.
"Are you taking that boy to that place?"

"I am."
San smiled and looked down.

"I'm really glad that you finally got over the fear. You're definitely becoming an adult, son."

"Thanks dad. I really got to move on."

"You do, and I'm happy that you are. But that must be hard."

"It's not easy. But do you like him?"
San looked up at his dad.

"I am not educated on same sex people dating, I'm not sure how to even react."

"I mean, do you like him as a person?"

"Yeah, he's great. He also is very handsome."

"He definitely is handsome. But just to let you know that any kind of romantic relationship is the same, I don't quite understand why people view them differently."
San giggled.

"I think you're right. Love is love."
Sans dad smiled again.
"Go take my helmet and have a great time, son. I hope you reach the point of him being a partner for you."

"Thanks dad, I really hope I'll be able to too."
San smiled and walked out to get another helmet.

San came back after a minute. He walked back into the room and went straight up to Wooyoung and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go love."
San took a step back.

"Don't we need those suits?"
Wooyoung stood up.

"Not necessarily, I think we would need that if I was a bad driver."
San smiled.

"Give me that helmet."
Wooyoung put out his hands. San put one helmet into his hands and kept the other one to himself.

"Go outside Jung. I'll bring it out in a second."
San spoke out quietly and then kissed Wooyoungs forehead again.

"You're lovely."
Wooyoung giggled and started walking outside.

San sighed with a smile while following Woo with his eyes. After a moment he shook his head and went to the garage, he opened it up and drove out, he got off and closed it again. San drove to the front of the house and drove in front of Wooyoung.

"It's so pretty!"
Wooyoung gasped.

"Thanks. Put on your helmet and hop on."
San said as he put on his own helmet.

Wooyoung put on his helmet and sat on the motorcycle. Woo put his hands around Sans waist and they drove out the yard.

San firstly was driving slowly as he drove out the town, but then got onto the speed as he started to get farther away.
Wooyoung held onto his waist tighter, he was feeling very relaxed and scared at the same time. The wind was cooling everything down but the speed was adding the worries. Woo decided to trust San with his life this time.

They stopped at a traffic light and San looked at Wooyoung and put a hand on his thigh.
"Are you enjoying riding this?"

"I am, but this is making me scared."

"What's worrying you love?"
San tilted his head.

"Well the speed. But it is why I am enjoying it."
Wooyoung giggled.

"Trust me, I know how to drive. And if you enjoy speed I'll add more of it."
San smiled.

"Fine. Let's go for it."
Wooyoung nodded and slightly lifted his helmet to kiss Sans helmet.

The light turned green and then San took off while adding way more speed to the motorcycle. San leaned down as the vehicle was speeding up. Wooyoung held himself close to San as they were going 200km/h.

Just after ten minutes they were at a hill with a singular tree that was starting to bloom. San turned the thing off and took his helmet off. Wooyoung took his helmet off too and slowly got up back to the ground.

San looked at him and smiled as he put the key in his pocket.

Woo looked around and smiled.
"This spot is so beautiful."

"Why do you think I brought you here? So the place would even you out, equal beauty."
San smiled and got up.

"Oh stop it."
Wooyoung started giggling to himself.

"I can't."
San stepped forward and put his hands on Woos waist.

"Let's go to the tree."
Wooyoung put his hands on Sans cheeks and bumped their heads.

"Let's go then."
San pulled Wooyoung to himself.

"Let's go."
Wooyoung pulled himself away and started going up the hill.

San went right after him.

As soon as they got to the tree they sat down next one to another.

"My parents are happy I know you."
San smiled.

"I am happy I know you too."
Wooyoung laid his head on Sans shoulder and looked up at him.

"How long do we have to be friends to kiss?"
San looked at him.

"I don't know."
Wooyoung giggled.
"I just had the feeling I couldn't yet. I feel more comfortable about that today but not fully."

"Well fifty still rounds up to a hundred."
San smiled.

"I guess, but I don't think I will kiss you yet."
Wooyoung started giggling again.

"I hope you decide on it fast, I love you."
San sighed and kissed Wooyoungs forehead.

"I love you too."
Wooyoung continued on with his fun giggles.

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