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Sandal's POV:

'Nikkah is a bond that cannot be described in words, nor can be understood. It can only be felt will feel it too... one day.'

'Feel... it? Sobia Baji sometimes you say strangest things.'

'It is not strange... You will understand after you got married.'

'Understand what?'

'Something that cannot understand now.'

'Try me.'

'Okay then! ...You know when Allah bound two people in Nikkah, a connection is automatically built between them... How do I put it? It's like, you will feel an attraction to him... You won't flinch at his touch... His presence makes you feel safe... and many more things.'

Those were the words Sobia Baji told me when I asked her about the relation of Nikkah once. I didn't get the concept back then, but now...

From last night both of us were together. Not for even once, I disliked him being near me. I didn't dislike his touch, nor feel like pulling myself back whenever he approached me. It felt embarrassing but not disgust or scared. I peeked from the corner of my eyes, he was busy on his phone, texting someone.


I frowned looking at him. Sensing my movement he, looked at me and slid the phone into his pocket, giving me an apologetic smile. Which later turned into a genuine one, as his eyes took all of my appearances in. Quickly I averted my gaze from his face.

Our car stopped at the main entrance of the venue. But before I could move or say anything he held my hand tightly.

"Hey! ...." He said.

"Listen carefully, there will be media photographers tonight. I know you're not used to this but try to cope up with it. okay? Don't panic, I will be with you." I nodded and he got off the car.


He was right, there were many media photographers. It was a different sort of gathering. Everywhere I look I saw bright lights, high-class families, and glamour. It was hard for me to fit in, so I kept my gaze low. It saved me a lot from glances that were making me uncomfortable. But I still can hear unbearable comments, given by ladies. Maybe that's why he held my hand whenever he got a chance. It was quite embarrassing though because his friends and cousins won't stop teasing us.

Even when we were going home, he was still holding my hand. Looking out the window, he kept playing with the ring he gave me as a wedding gift. I don't know he was doing it unintentionally or not but it was making me feel strange tickling, not on my hand but in the heart. A part of me wanted to pull my hand and the other liked it.

What is this man doing to me...?

The car came to a halt and he got off before me. The driver opened the door for me and Muskan came to help me get out. When we come into the room he helped me again with my dupatta, without asking.

"Here you go." He said, stepping aside.

"Thank you." I said and walk to the dressing table.

I hissed taking off my heavy earring and he made a face like he was the one bearing pain. I took the second one and received the same look from him. It was so funny that I couldn't stop myself from laughing and he stared at me dumbfounded. Before I get hold of my laughter, I felt an arm around my waist and the next thing I know I was crashing into his chest. I gasped, as he leans to over my face.

"It's beautiful." He said almost like a whisper.


"Both you... And your laughter... It's beautiful Mrs Ahmed." He said looking into my eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat. Quickly I averted my eyes and he pulled me closer.

And You became my DawnKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat