Chapter# 39

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Sandal's POV:

"It's so clouded today, it will start raining at any moment." I said to myself looking at the dark clouds.

"No, it won't," Ahmed said without raising his head from the laptop.

"How can you be so sure?"

"It hardly rains here."

Disappointed, I turn my face to look outside again. I really like rain, if it were Peshawar it would have started raining now. I haven't get used to living here, life is so boring. There is no housework and no one to talk with and no enjoyment. Zohma got busy in her life, Muskan was busy in her studies. I asked Ahmed to let me continue my studies but he didn't agree, nor gave me any reason. So, I have nothing to do now, Auntie has her own activities. Even she was free she doesn't talk much. She was different from her kids, all of them are talkative. I thought Ahmed wasn't at first but I turned out to be wrong. When he was in the mood, you can't make him quiet and things get very ... Different when we are alone. He never held himself from teasing me and giving embarrassing comments, but when he was in his working mood, he becomes probably the most boring human on the surface of the earth.

Married life was way more different than one could imagine. Living under the same roof with a person who was once a stranger to you, look after other's likes and dislikes. Sharing and trusting someone with your everything was not easy to describe. But somehow everything started to fit into the place when you once entered this life.

I still remember the time when Ami told me about Ahmed's proposal and I said no because of his reputation being a flirt and I was a bit shaken up from his straightforwardness on the day I tried to give my resignation.

Working under him as my boss, gave me a very clear idea of how his mind works. He has a trend to take what he wants and it scared me. It could have been his ego that pushed him to this extent. But thanks to Allah, I was wrong, it's just his personality.

Now I am married to the same boss and I have to deal with his one-track mind for the rest of my life. I sighed loudly and gave him a glance. My Husband. The thought of spending my whole life with him starting to make me feel giddy. Allah blessed me with a great husband but I am a little scared of the uncertainty of our relationship. There was still a part of me who doubt his reasons for marrying me. What if it turned out to be a temporary attraction? What if I couldn't match his social standards? What if he gets bored with me and left me? These questions always leave me restless.

"It's rude to sta-.... hay. Why are you crying?" I heard his voice and realize tears on my cheek.

"S-sorry. It's nothing." I quickly turned around and wipe my tears.

Idiot! Why am I crying???

I scolded myself.

"Why are you crying?" He stands beside me, leaning against the window frame with his arms folded over his chest.

"Just some stupid thoughts." I smiled and shook my head.

"Then tell me what stupid thoughts made you all teary?"

"It's nothing." I turned to leave but he stops me holding my arm and pulled me closer encircling his arm around my waist.

"What is it?.... you're not the type of person who cried easily." His voice was soft, melting my heart. I wanted to ask so badly that all the fears I have for our future. I wanted him to deny all my negative thoughts but I couldn't find any courage. More tears fell from my eyes.

I am so pathetic...

"Ary, your still crying." He left my waist and cupped my face, wiping my tears.

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