calm before the storm

529 13 6

ride - twenty one pilots

oh, oh, oh, oh
i'm fallin' so I'm taking my time on my ride


'you're a little tragedy, aren't you?' - anonymous 



Francesca watched as the black car that carried Marquess Vincent Bisset started and drove away into the night, kicking up pieces of gravel and dust. The guests were slowly departing, each walking past her and complimenting her on the fine evening she had curated. John was no where in sight; she presumed that he was staying hidden and out of trouble. Francesca was glad he was finally looking after himself, once in a while.

The evening had been successful. Not only had she finally met the fabled Marquess, she had warned him of the blackmail she had against him. He did not seemed frightened but she could sense the waver in his voice; there was a noticeable change in his mood after that. He did his best to conceal his discomfort; Francesca admired that but held a sense of pride that she was so much better at facading sentiment. If she were him, she would have not even batted an eyelid. She had been taught that, without solid evidence, there was nothing to be afraid of. Even if he wasn't bluffing, it would be her word against his.

After the last masked person left, she went in search of John. She found him deep in conversation with Catrina at the bar. She plopped down on the stool next to them, evidently exhausted from all the niceties. She pulled the black clips out of her hair and removed her mask, face red in the heat of the Istanbul night. Her hair fell around her shoulders, curling at the base. Catrina herself was dressed in a white gown with red crystals adorning it, blonde hair pinned up into a messy bun. Her dress was crumpled though; Francesca could only imagine where she had been and who she had been with.

'Cat, I thought I told you that the Continental was not a motel'

'Do I look like I listen to you?'

She flashed John a wink. He chuckled, sipping his gin. Francesca found herself smiling as ordered herself yet another whiskey.

'So, Vincent. He is rather dashing, don't you think?'

Francesca coughed as Cat giggled.

'No, Cat. He's dangerous, you read his file, you know what the man is capable of'

'You didn't answer my question though'

'I don't need to. I know he's dangerous and can't be trusted'

'So you do think he's good looking'

'I never said that'

'But you never denied it either'

The brunette sighed in exasperation.

'John, a little help? Would you care to remind my simple minded friend here that Vincent Bisset is one of the most dangerous men, possibly in the world?'

John smiled into his glass, taking a long swig of his drink.

'He is dangerous and lethal and ruthless and I agree that he is possibly the most dangerous man in the world. But I did see the way you were looking at him, Chess'

Francesca gasped in mock offence, hand covering her chest.

'You're taking her side? For the last time, I do not like Vincent Bisset. I think he is a liar and a scoundrel. He wants to kill you and I will destroy him before I let him any where near you'

Cat turns to John.

'To her, that's love'


'What? It's true; every one you've laid your eyes on has turned into a psychopath'

'That's not true!'

John snickers. Francesca turned in surprise; she hadn't heard John laugh so childishly since Helen died.

'Actually, that is true. You remember Carlos De Leon?'

The girl in black turns scarlet red. She slaps John the on the arm, face filled with horror.

'NOT Carlos'

Cat giggled, raising an carefully drawn eyebrow.

'Another one of Francesca's shameful adventures? Do tell'

'She became obsessed with him back when she first started training; the only boy where regularly beat her in hand to hand combat. There was this one day she trained so hard she blacked out and he carried her back to our house. Then, they had a little phase but then he turned rogue and killed several civilians. They captured him and sent him to a psychiatric ward and it turns out was actually a sociopath. He had been trying to kill her, putting bits of poison in her drink. I got her to a hospital and we had the poison removed but she missed two weeks of training'

Cat sighed.

'That is the most terrifying thing I've ever heard. But I'm not even surprised that's happened to Ces. She does attract that type'

Francesca ordered another drink. She seemed to need it.

'What type is that, exactly?'

'You know, the murders, rich asshole sociopaths and psychopaths. You're like a drug to them'

John laughs but his face twists into a frown. Francesca orders a shot of tequila and downed it.

'You have to watch you back, Chess. I know that you're attracted to him and I can tell you he is as well. But he is dangerous and he will manipulate you to get to me'

Her vision was getting blurry, it must be the drink. John's voice seemed far.

'Please, you don't think I can tell when I'm being manipulate? I'm a Mallilos, I've been manipulating people since I was 5'

Francesca stood up and almost feel forwards. John caught her. Muffled talking.

'Let's get you to your room'

She remembered seeing John smile. Francesca was yet to know that that was the last time she would ever see John happy again. 

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