Chapter 3:_[R]-isk and Name_

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Thought communication's: (Hello).               Thoughts and Narration: yo, how ya doing?

Inner feelings: (You sly Bastard)

Talking: Hello.                    Skill's:<<Report>>               VOTW: [[Confirmed]]

Actions/Reaction's: *Happy*, *Smiles*....

TPP( Third Person perspective)

The sound's of bird's chirping can be heard, signifying it is the beginning of a new day.

Most people would want to start the day with something soothing ,calm or peaceful things...

But there are other's that can be considered anomalies, they do incomprehensible thing's all the time.

We can now see a boy, exiting the cave as the sun shine's on him, the golden eyes gazes at the burning sun, our protagonist understood that the breaking of seal is very complex and time taxing, though he doesn't mind as it is a side hobby, he need not sleep neither eat, he can just live on magicules, so he can spend this time to rescue his friend from the unlimited barrier, to speed up the process, he can only do one thing, that is to get stronger.

Dude thought he could have it easy today, not knowing today's gonna be one of the most chaotic day he will have in this world.

He will face a lot of risk , but will return with benefits , which will be much useful in the future.



Finally, the night is over, it was very boring doing the analysis whole time.

Now, I can finally move onto the last 2 creatures I need to devour before getting myself a name from the dude.

Moving on, now I am on my way towards a Dark cave where light dare not pass.

Inside it, I can sense 40 life signatures.

38 mobile and 2 stationary.

As I made my way inside it, I can find white threads or specifically spider webs all around, many skeletons on the ground, on the top , and even on the webs.



Black spiders

No need to explain what they are.

25 of them immediately rushed towards me while using threads, some of which were sticky and some were of steel.



They couldn't do anything as I just covered myself with the exterior of knight spider and used my hand which is now blade, to slice them off, the rest just scattered all around realizing nothing would change and ran off from me.

I, of course wouldn't eat such weakling's.

Finally after they all left, the cave and part of jura around it, shook in response to the being, which is moving it's presence to me.

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