Chapter 4:_Maintenance _

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Thought communication's: (Hello).                               Thoughts and Narration: yo, how ya doing?

Inner feelings: (You sly Bastard)

Talking: Hello.                             Skill's:<<Report>>                         VOTW: [[Confirmed]]

Actions/Reaction's: *Happy*, *Smiles*....

Rimuru Tempest (POV)

As we name each other, I feel something deep etching into my soul.

Moreover, I can feel myself getting stronger at least twice.

I want to ask him, what he want's for the forest considering, what happened just recently, the damage happened is ridiculous, many lives were lost, their home's, the land has been become pretty difunctional too.

Rimuru: Dude, what do you wish for the forest? You know, that thing damaged pretty much everything .

Veldora: ...As for the problem regarding the poisonous magicules it released in the air and the land that is poisoned...I can use my magicules, to cleanse them away in a purified form, this forest has been my home for some thousand's of year's, it naturally is adapted to my magicules, by releasing it in a controlled manner, I think It will solve the problem, But about restoring the land to it's former glory, I at my current state can't do anything and can only be recovered by time by bathing in my magicules...Unless you can do something about it.

Rimuru: Nah, I already know I can't do it, that's the reason I am asking you?*Deadpans*

Veldora: Is that so?...What are you going to do about those deep tunnel like Pit's, will you fill them up?

Rimuru:Hmm...No, I think it is better to leave them as it is, I somehow get the feeling they will be useful in the future.

(Author: What do you think I kept them for? Guess as you like, but they will only be revealed later)

Veldora: Hoh? Fine, do as you please, the problem regarding the people inside forest, relocate them to different place's , though the amount of  personal space they can have as a single race is drastically decreased, they can share the area and resources , even if they have problem's with it, tell them it is my ultimatum, they would have no choice but to follow or else you would be more than enough to make them obey.

Veldora:(I have pretty much been reading his memories...and any knowledge I read can be understood instantly and be remembered permanently...I don't want him to find out I am basically an illiterate and guy who just fooled around...I need to keep this relation as it is, anyone who dares to try to reveal it will  Suffer my wrath.)

Rimuru: Hahaha, damn right, I will take the dryad's for more convenience.

(Scene Change)

Now we can see a boy, by appearance the age of 9 sitting on the edge of a nearby cliff and swinging his legs, looking to be in deep thought about recent incident's and gazing at the night sky filled with star's and moon.

Hmmm...the tempest serpent which I have devoured, apparently has lived for more than 700 year's deep inside the ground in the forest, and used it's kin to collect food for it, it has already become too strong for them to resist along with the skill it had, it has basically just decided to live like a lazy ass, just sleeping and eating the food.

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