Summer Vacation

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Your family has been planning a trip to Germany for some time now, your father even started working more hours to have enough money for you, your sister and your mom. For months you have been shopping or planning outfits for when you get there hoping you'd run into some cute guy with a German accent.

After your last breakup you bowed to never date again but in Germany you were going to see or meet new people you've never seen before. Your sister in particular had only one mission, it was to meet Tokio Hotel. She had been dying to meet them ever since your parents announced the vacation away.

This week was the week that everything had to be ready, packing clothes, skin care, makeup, and other stuff wasn't bad as you'd thought. Getting through security was a breeze as well and getting on the plane wasn't so bad. But your sister had this crippling fear of being on planes despite how many times you've been on them.

"I think I'm going to pass out." She puffed out and her breathing was rapid.

"Relax we'll be there before you know it." That was a lie.

"You know how I feel when I get on planes." She protested.

"Whatever I'm going to use the bathroom." You sighed while getting up.

Seeing the empty rows fill up and become more crowded made you feel claustrophobic from how packed it was but you eventually made it to the bathroom. You knocked a couple of times making sure no one was in there and then you opened the door.

The bathroom was quite small for how big this plane was but couldn't complain. You were doing your business until you heard the door fly open, you had forgotten to close the door.

"Oh shit!" The guy yelled before closing the door.

"Sorry!" He yelled again.

Behind the door you could hear him sigh as he was disappointed in himself from what he just did. He seemed to have a German accent as well.

Quickly getting yourself situated you opened the door again and was met with a guy with dreadlocks and had a hat on. He had baggy clothes and was so tall he had to crouch so his head didn't hit the ceiling.

Both of you locked eyes before walking past each other, but when you went back to turn around and he was still staring at you from afar. Before you turned around he smiled at you as he walked into the bathroom.

Making your way back to your seat your sister was clutching onto the seats. "What took you so long!" She whispered yelled trying to not cause a scene.

"It hasn't even been 5 minutes relax." You claimed. "Plus some guy opened the door to the bathroom which scared me." You shivered as you remembered the encounter.

"What a perv." She shook her head.


When you opened your eyes, the plane had already landed before you knew it. Getting off you felt a bit dizzy and jet lagged as well, but you eventually made it to your aunt's house.

Instead of renting a hotel your family thought it would be a good idea to live with your rich aunt. She had basically a mansion but she didn't think it was big enough. No one really knew where she got the money from but ever since she started working for the music industry it made her millions.

"You guys are here!" She shrieked trying to hug everyone at once.

Despite all her money she was quite young only being twenty six and living by herself in this big house.

"Y/n you've gotten much taller since I've seen you." Her eyes widened at how you practically pasted her height by now.

"That was because she was 5 when you last saw her Mary." Your mother shook her head.

Tom Kaulitz - One Shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang