Summer Vacation - 2

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After texting back and forth with Tom you got to know him more and more. You knew he loved apples. Played guitar. Is German. Also liked Skittles. Has a twin brother named Bill. And he has a high ego but he didn't tell you that.

In the morning you were really nervous to meet him again for the third time, you didn't know what to expect out of him.

Your little sister begged to come with you but you refuse to be embarrassed by her as you kept telling her no, but all she said "Mark my words I will be there one way or another."

As the time was approaching you were pacing back and forth on your floor as thoughts ran through your mind.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"What if I'm not what he expected?"

"What if he thinks I'm ugly?"

The "What if's" kept going on and on to the point you didn't even know it was time to leave. You cursed under your breath as you grabbed your bag and said bye to every one.

Tom had offered to take you to Berlin but you refused and said you wanted to just stay around where you were and look at stuff. He didn't really say much after but he agreed.

You kept looking around to see if he was waiting for you where he said he would be but he wasn't there yet. The fear of overthinking came crawling back into your head like a bug.

"Hi there." You heard from behind.

Turning around quickly you were frightened thinking it must be Tom. But to your bad luck it was some old perv.

"Are you alone? How about you come with me?" He smirked with his crooked teeth.

You didn't know what to do and you stood there in fear as your heart was racing.

"Is there a problem here?" You heard another voice behind you.

Turning just your head you looked and only saw a chest but as you looked for up you saw Tom standing there with his eyes narrowed.

"There's no problem, I was just telling my girlfriend that we have to leave." The guy said trying to take your hand.

You drew your hand back behind your back to he wouldn't be able to grab it. The guy looked furious and clenched his jaw.

"Yo, leave my girlfriend alone you sick fuck." Tom said before grabbing your hand and pulling you behind him.

"She doesn't look like your girlfriend." The man murmured.

"Oh yeah? Well she don't look like yours either." He scolded back at him.

You could tell by the tension between them that this can go on for hours. Both of them were heated and didn't want to give up. Tom walked closer so he was directly in front of the guy now.

"Listen, you stay away from my girl or any other girl out here okay? If I find out you've been tugging your dick where it doesn't need to be tugged I will beat you senselessly to a heaping pulse that you will not recover from." He sharply said whispering into his ear.

The man's eyes widened in fear as he started walking away from the both of you. Tom watched him runaway like a coward and made his way back to you.

"Are you okay?" He said cupping your cheek.

You nodded before speaking, "I am now, thank you." You smiled up at him.

"It's no problem, be careful though there are hundreds of other guys like him out here. Maybe even worse." He drawled his hand back into his pocket.

"Let's get going." He said taking your hand and dragging you away.

With a confused look you stopped in your tracks. "Wait where are we going?" You furrowed your eyebrows together.

"It's a surprise." He smiled before pulling you again.

You just went along with it at this point, you weren't scared for your life anyways. You felt safe with him in all ways possible.

After some while you guys arrived at this park that was completely empty, you were a bit skeptical of this thinking he might kill you and dump your body in a lake.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you." He laughed as you squeezed his hand a bit.

You let out a breath knowing it was okay to be here. All you could see was this big space of land as you were only on the pavement that lets you walk around the whole park. There was this hill as well where at the bottom was a lake filled with Koi fish that were pretty big.

After walking around some more you saw a picnic blanket and some food set out onto it. You thought it was cute that a couple came here to have a picnic since it was so perfect but as you kept walking Tom started moving towards the cute scene.

"Here we are." He smiled proudly as he set the whole thing up himself.

"What is all of this?" You folded your arms as you knew exactly what it was.

"It's a date isn't it?" He started to sit down.

You followed his lead and sat next to him and the view of the pond and more opened land was magical to you. Seeing how green and bright the place was and how it wasn't crowded by people.

"I come here sometimes when I want to write music or be alone." He said as he saw you staring out into the open.

"It's beautiful." You smiled at him.

He took your hand into his again and just held it there.

"I know we hardly know each other and I might not see you again, but something about you is just so special to me." He said before kissing your hand.

You frowned a bit at the thought of you leaving soon to go back home. You didn't want to leave at all if anything but you knew you'd come back eventually to visit your aunt.

For now you just took in the view and him.

Blah i wanted this one to be over with so i just bullshitted it but thank you for 1.4k views :D idk why you guys read this shit but thank you so very much :)

Tom Kaulitz - One Shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon