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I sighed and tried bending. After multiple tries, I got it but as I stood again, there was a gush of liquid down my legs.

My water had broke.

Hermione pov

I straightened up and immediately felt dizzy. I held onto the sink to steady myself. The amniotic fluid continued dripping out and Anne turned to see.

"Ew Beaver! Did you wet yourself?!"

I was about to answer when a contraction, the worst pain I had ever felt, wracked my stomach. I screamed, my voice loud and shrill. Then I fell to the floor, gasping for air. The three girls were by my side in a few seconds and I managed to stammer out a weak "Draco." Renee, the fastest, ran out the door while the other two stayed by me. Every thing started turning black and the pain seemed to disappear so I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.

Draco pov

After Hermione went to the loo, I talked to her family for a bit. Mostly her dad and Jacob, but also her good aunt, as Hermione called her.

"So Draco, tell me: how exactly did you propose to her?"

I opened my mouth to answer, smiling at the memory, when a scream pierced the air. It was loud and gut wrenching. I had only heard it once in my life before, but it had been once too many. That sound was ingrained into my memory forever. It was Hermione's scream. She was in pain, lots of pain.

I jumped up, ignoring the many glasses that fell because of my actions and started to run down the stairs and to the women's restroom. Halfway down the stairs, I bumped into Renee and she started falling. I, not thinking much, whipped out my wand and waved it, levitating her to the top, and continued running. Hermione was laying on the ground, unmoving, and her cousins were over her, staring in shock.

They looked up when they saw me and Anne said, "Why are you holding a stick?"

I looked down and realized my wand was still in my hand, but I couldn't care less right now. My wife, the mother of my child, my one true love, was laying on the floor and her first question was why I was holding a stick! I exploded, "YOUR COUSIN IS LAYING ON THE FLOOR AND YOUR FIRST QUESTION FOR ME IS WHY I'M HOLDING A STICK?! FORGET ABOUT THE DAMN STICK! WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED?!"

"She went to the loo, came out, her earring fell, she tried to pick it up, she peed or something, she screamed, she fell, she asked for you, Renee went to get you, she closed her eyes, you came."

I nodded, processing everything. She was in labor. Her water had broke. She needed to wake up. I leaned over Hermione and started kissing her face, saying "Hemrione! Wake up! I love you! Please Mione!"

Then, just minutes later, her body tensed and started shaking. She was making whimpering sounds but was still unconscious. It was a contraction and she still wasn't waking.

"Get her parents here. And get some napkins. Now!" I said to the girls, who jumped up and Anne ran for the parents while Emily went to get the napkins. She was still close enough to see the wand but it didn't matter anymore. I couldn't lose her. I took out my wand and said, "Reneverate." Her eyes opened and she tried sitting up.

"I'm going to pick you up Hemrione. Shhh, it's okay. The baby's coming Mione. You'll be fine." I said as she started crying.

"It-it h-hurts Dra-Draco. It hur-hurts." She sobbed as I slid my arms underneath her and picked her up slowly.

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