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Hermione pov

What felt like just minutes later, Mum woke me up, "Hermione? Sorry to bother you but you need to feed the baby, do you know how?"

I nodded and felt my cheeks turn red as I pulled my dress down, revealing my bra, pulled that off, and took the baby from Draco's limp form. It was still dark out and pretty cold, but the feeling of my son in my arms was warmer than the sun could ever be, emotionally at least, but physically I was freezing.

"Can I have a blanket? It's freezing! Oh and my spare jumper and skirt?"

She nodded and dug through my bag as I looked around and noticed that everyone else was either sleeping on a deck chair or talking at the dinner table. Then my mum took Scorpius from me and helped me stand so I could change. Seeing as how the muggles had already heard my screams about magic, I just changed by waving my wand, they needed to be obliviated anyway. Once I was comfortable and in dry clothes, I noticed how sore I was and how it still hurt to move or even breathe and cast a pain relieving spell on my body. My stomach was still swollen, not as much as before but still quite big. After that, I laid down again and took Scorpius, waited for him to latch, and then covered myself with a blanket till my breasts so Scorpius' head was above it. I just sat there and watched as my baby fell asleep slowly. I looked over at Draco and noticed that his hand was red and swollen, but he had a smile on his face even as he slept.

Mum had gone to sit with the family and I was still staring and crying at the sight when Draco woke up. He looked up and smiled at me, kissing my cheek and looking down at the baby. He hugged me and I noticed him flinch slightly at the pain from his hand.

"Draco...I'm so sorry..." I whispered, gently taking his hand in mine and looking at it, tears welling up in my eyes. He smiled at me, "It's fine Hermione. I'm fine...more than fine, I'm a dad!"

"But I hurt you!" The tears were now flowing down my face and I was wiping them every few seconds so they didn't fall on Scorpius, who was still drinking.

"Shhhh, Hermione, it's okay. Here, let me take him and you can sleep."

I sniffed, "He's eating, I'm fine!"

"Does it hurt?" He asked, looking down to where our son was breastfeeding.

"No! You're such an idiot!" I yelled, crying harder.

"Sorry...do you need anything? Should I check how long till London?" I nodded, biting my lip to not start full on sobbing.

He got up, waved his wand to put a cast on his hand, and kissed the top of my head before leaving to ask the captain.

I just laid there, watching my baby and crying, and didn't notice that my cousins came over.

"What?!" I asked, extremely annoyed, while pulling the blanket a bit higher to cover my open body, and my baby, from their sight.

"We just wanted to say...sorry, we were really mean to you and I hope you can forgive us. Erm, congratulations on the baby, does he have a name?" Emily said and I was so shocked that I started crying even more.

"Y-yeah, it's Scorpius. And it's fine, thank you." They just nodded and looked like they were going to say something else but then Draco came up.

"Hermione! They said an hour!" Draco said, running up to us and holding onto the chair and panting. The three girls left after waving bye.

"God Draco, you're like an old man. You're only twenty two, why are you so tired?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Like you wouldn't be!" He retorted, sticking his tongue out at me.

"You're such a child! I'm going to have two kids to take care of!"

"So I can call you Mummy?" He asked, smirking, and I hit his head.

"We have a baby Draco! Be mature! And of course I would be tired, I'm sitting down and I'm exhausted. You would be too if you had pushed a baby out of your body less than an hour ago!" I was crying again. His smirk disappeared and he sat down next to me, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that...I just thought it would be funny, clearly not."

"No, it's fine. These must be the postpartum hormones that Luna was talking about." I sniffed, taking the napkin he handed me and wiping my eyes with it, I could feel the mascara coming off. "Draco? Be honest, how terrible do I look right now?"

"You look amazing, prettier than ever Hermione, because guess what? You're holding our son, isn't that crazy? Just yesterday, you were pregnant and now, we have a baby!" I couldn't help it, I was crying again. He hugged me and I burrowed my head into his shoulder best I could without moving Scorpius.

"Wait! Draco? What time and date was he born?"

"Well, he was born on...the 24th, I'm not sure about the exact time but around 11:50."

"You didn't even pay attention to the time you're only son was born?!"

"Sorry! Just that I was almost unconscious from the pain an—"

"You were almost unconscious from the pain?! I practically fainted Draco, it hurt so much, still does. I- you- bloody Malfoy- weak- hurts Draco!"

"I know that you were in a lot more pain, but it hurt me to watch and get the life squeezed out of my hand." I slapped him and he retreated.

"I'll go ask your mum, okay?" I nodded and he left, coming back with her.

"M-mum," I cried and she sat next to me, "Hermione darling, I'm so proud of you."

"It hurts still, why?!"

"Let me check, it's been thirty minutes since he was born, so the placenta should be coming out soon. Usually it comes out within a few minutes but it's perfectly normal."

A few minutes later I felt something like contractions again and screamed, "Draco! Take h-him!"

He took the baby from me and watched as I pushed again and soon the placenta was out and I was done.

"Thank you Mum. And what time was he born?"

"11:53," She smiled, "A Christmas Eve baby."

"D-Draco, thank you, thank you for this, I love you." I cried and Draco smiled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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