~.* Chapter Thirty-Six: Fallen Huntress *.~

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Armin pulled the filthy bastard up onto the blimp, leaving him leaning on his two arms. Mikasa was behind him as Levi walked up to Eren.

"Well, aren't you a filthy sight?" Levi walked over in front of him, glaring down at him. "It's like you fell in a pile of shit, Eren."

"Captain Levi," he replied, acknowledging his presence. Levi quickly kicked him in the face, making him fly across the room and hit the wall with his back. The three of you gasped at the Captain's actions, Mikasa almost jumping in before Armin stopped her. When you looked back at Eren, you couldn't even recognize him anymore due to his dulled eyes.

"You have a real kickable face, you know that? One you're tied up, I'd like to have a longer chat," you hear Levi state after the sound of gun machinery clacking against eachother.

"That's all right by me," Eren said nonchalantly, looking down at the floorboards, "but I explained everything in the letters I wrote. Did you not understand them?"

The look in his eyes was something you didn't want to see and you looked away. It felt like those couple times when you were younger, getting seperated from your mother in the middle of bustling streets. You'd get pushed around by other people as they backed away from the stands they bought from, paying no heed to the lost child in the crowd.

"Tch. I know that face."


On the other side of the door, you could hear the loud cheering that rooted from Floch. They were really getting roudy, stomping on the floor and banging the walls to the point Levi was starting to get annoyed.

"[Name] go quiet them down. Can't deal with all that racket all the way back," Levi asked you, annoyance and irritation in his tone.

You obliged with a nod and walked out the silent room, being surprised to see all your comrades beating up two kids, but being more surprised by Sasha laying in a pool of blood. "Hey, what the hell happened?!"

Jean instantly turned around to Sasha, who was bleeding more heavily each second that passed. Connie was pleading her to hold on until she got proper care, sounding as if he were about to cry. You quickly rushed over to where the medical stuff was, which was in a nearby compartment.

"She's bleeding! Find us some bandages! Hurry!" Jean shouted.

"I'm at it already!" You dug through the random junk, sighing in relief as you found a bag full of bandages and wraps. In a haste, you made it back to the main room and set the bag on the foor, grabbing the bandages.

When you moved her body towards you, her body felt almost limp. You wrapped the bandages around her abdomen, watching the blood being absorbed into the new layers instantly. The bleeding was endless, it seemed. The two kids on board were a small issue to you and all you cared about was Sasha.

"Louise, give me a hand and hold this," you held the piece out, wanting to make sure it's not too loose or tight around her. Your voice was starting to shake as you took the bandage back from her. "Thanks."

"No problem."

You tied off the bandages with a knot as the blood continued to be absorbed into the bandage wrap. "You gotta hang on for a little longer Sasha. You're a strong woman."

No response.

The rowdy girl a couple feet from you kept putting up a fight, saying how you were all devils and Zeke was going to 'save them.' But little did she know that Zeke was in the room right next to her. Jean had a disturbed expression as the child kept spouting out words and declarations. The boy was calmer than her, thankfully.

"Connie," you looked up at him, "Let's move her to a more quieter room. There's too much ruckus going on."

"Agreed," he nodded, grabbing her feet as you lifted her under her arms. "Alright Sash. You'll be alright."

Louise opened the door to another room where it was quiet and you nodded in appreciation. You gently set Sasha's body down on the ground, adjusting her to a comfortable postion with her arms at her side. Not long after, Mikasa and Armin came rushing into the room thanks to the guidance of Louise.

The two of them stared down at her body, mouths open in shock. "Sasha!" They both instantly sat on the ground with you and Connie.

You looked down at her and her eyes were nearly closed. "Her survival rate isn't high... But there is still a chance. She has to."

Connie leaned down to her and checked her pulse. You saw the horrified look on his face form. "Hey... Sasha! C'mon, stop! No!"

"No, wait.. Do you mean..?"

Mikasa went on the other side of her body and started to attempt CRP. "Come on! Sasha, please!" You didn't notice Connie running out of the room to inform the others.

The rest of the ride back to Paradis was a blur. Your tears might've been a factor in that, but you couldn't remember what had happened after. Nothing mattered to you after that happened, all you wanted to do was have some time to yourself at Sasha's grave.

Now that you thought back to your Cadet days...

"Sasha..." you let out a soft laugh at the memory. "I'm so sorry I said you 'passed some gas' to Commandant... It was very immature of me back then. If I had some bread with me, I'd put it here with you to make up for it."

Looking at her grave stone with her name carved, you frowned. "We all miss you. If only there was a way to prevent that from happening. Maybe if we stopped Eren sooner... you might still be alive, even for a few more seconds."

When you looked at another distant grave stone, Mikasa was sitting at near Hannes's gravestone. Then you looked over at another direction, seeing Niccolo getting beat by an MP. Niccolo was most likely walking towards Sasha's grave. Fortunately, Jean and Connie stopped the MP from going to far and they all soon joined you.

The lovely gentleman set down a bouquet of flowers on her stone, tears forming at the edges of his eyes as he did so. Sasha and Niccolo were a dynamic that you didn't know you had to see. He would always serve Sasha any moment she asked for his food and you have to admit that what they had was sweet.

After Connie thanked him on her behalf for all the food, Niccolo looked up slightly with a miserable expression. "How are you taking it, Connie?"

"Sasha and I were like twins. So it feels like half of me is just gone."

You couldn't help but relate to him, honestly. A half of you feeling gone because your twin isn't himself anymore or is gone from the world.

Sasha's family arrived with another bouquet of beautiful flowers. Niccolo offered to make a feast for them. It started to rain shortly after their agreement and you headed back to your residence, waiting for any obstacles that come your way.

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