Chapter Four - Attack and Defend

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I held my bo-staff I whacked a guy with four arms trying to attack Easer. I whacked him and twisted around before my foot collided with his face, sending him flying. Twisting around I dodged a punch. Pivoting down I used my Bo-staff to sail the guys feet from under him. Jumping up I dodged another attack. Twisting in the air I dodged a few bullets. I grunted thigh when I few hit my left thigh. I ignored it though. Instead I pivoted down and collided both my feet down into the villains face. We both hit the ground, his head colliding first as I jumped away, flipping I landed on the ground. I took this moment to move my Bo-staff back to my hip, I pulled out my dart gun. Twisting around I shit a guy trying to attack Eraser from behind. My dart hit the guy in his chest, he fell down unconscious.

Twisting around again I dropped down into a crouching position, placing my gun back in its holster I place my hand on the ground and kicked up. Kicking the guy that tried to attack me in the jaw. Then twisting around I helicopter kicked a few more people before pushing up jumping and landing again on my feet. Shooting up and forward I lunged grabbing someone's head and slammed their head into my knee. There was a satisfying crack. I then threw the person across the room. Then twisting around I grabbed someone by the neck with the back of my knee. Then pushing my target down I slammed them into the ground. They bounced up but landed unconscious.

I jumped back, dodging more bullets. I ignored the stinging pain in my upper left thigh. I took this moment to look at it. Four bullet wounds, luckily they missed my bones and any major muscles. I sighed. I knew I should have made my outfit bullet proof. I glared at the pooling blood at my thigh. I growled. I then looked around. Blinking. More then half of theses guys where unconscious. A few people piled on top of each other, some clutching their stomachs, one guy was on the ground clutching his face. That must be the guy I kneed in the face. I hummed and moved my head to the left dodging a bullet. Having enhanced hearing was the best. My eyes glanced back to the person who shot the gun at me. Then I twisted around and lunged forward. Pulling out my nunchucks twisting around I used my nunchuck to whack that person who fired at me.

Twisting around I wrapped the nunchuck around one persons neck and flipped them over my shoulder. Followed by whacking someone else with one end on my nunchuck and kicking the person behind me square in his chest. Then twisting around so my back was to the ground I punched another person square in his nose. Followed by kicking a male where the sun don't shin. *cough *cough his crotch *cough *cough. "Ouch. Wow boss your being ruthless." My eye twitched. Touya. I sighed before jumping up and dodging another flurry of bullets. "There hell bent on feeling you up with lead." I just ignored the burnt chicken nugget as he spoke into my ear piece. Taking this slight moment of silence I ran over to go back to back with Shouta. I moved forward, as Eraser elbowed Shigaraki I grabbed into his wrist he only adjusted his grip so he was grabbing onto mine. I grunted, he disintegrated parts of my glove and my wrist. I twisted around and kicked the man the same time Eraser punched him.

We both jumped back I was left with only my left arm, we continued to fight. Then I acted I could hear the thing moving I grab eraser by his upper arm and yanked him away. I took his place, I had to bit my tung in order not to scream as I was slammed into the ground instead of Eraser. He froze up as my blood pooled around us. I gasped, I could feel the bastard holding up my good left arm. My lower mask was ripped apart on the right side, I felt my own blood coating the right side of my lower face. I didn't need to look to see that my upper face mask was cracking as well. Then. "Shadow!" The creature broke my arm and I resisted the urge to scream. If I screamed I'd kill people.

I glared at Shigaraki who was glaring down at me. "You haven't used your quirk once." My other arm was broken, I grunted. "Your a cheater. What cheat codes are you using. Bitch. Nomu!" Then my face was again slammed down. I gasped, still biting back a scream. I looked up at Eraser. I could feel the blood coating the left side of my face, my lower mask on the left side was gone, my upper mask cracking in areas. Luckily the blood hide my freckles and skin tone. But it still hurt like hell.
"Kids... help... the... kids." At that he whipped around. He saw them. The kids, he saw them and took off in their direction. Good. When I spoke, in order to prevent using my quirk, I had to speak slowly. One word at a time and carefully. I watched as Eraser erased Shigaraki's quirk and yanked him away. Right after I spoke the creature slammed my head down, again, this time I couldn't hold back my scream of pain. But I had the gal to focus it to point and point it at the creature so it will only effect the Nomu. My scream echoed throughout the entire USJ it sent the bird like creature flying.

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