Chapter Five - Sports Festival and Stain

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I sat on the computer. Izuku was at school right now. The cafe was closed, because it was night, but also because the sports festival was in the morning. I'd been doing research on Stain. Humming I stared at the computer. I was again researching Stain. Better known as the Hero Killer. I had maps spread out on the ground. Pins in areas he's been, areas he's killed, areas he's attacked hero's, and areas he's been spotted. My arms crossed as I stared at the computer. He uses knives of all shapes and sizes. I stared. He seems to some sort of paralyzing quirk. After all, all the hero's he's attacked say at some point, after being stabbed they go numb. I pulled up the case that consisted of info known about Stain. They had a lot, and I mean a lot, more info on him than they do on me. By the info I gave, I'm guessing his quirk must have something to do with a persons blood.

Moving I began to hack into the police force. I began to search up people with black hair, red eyes, and a blood quirk. I gasped. Leaning forward. I see. He's also. My eyes widened as I grabbed a notepad and pen. It was empty. So mister stain. Your also Stendhal. I remember you. I sighed. What changed? I used to work with Stendhal. In fact. He was the one who gave me my vigilante name. You move like a shadow. You blend in with them, so easily. And you wear green. He had said. Looking up at the moon as I stood by his side. I was young. Roughly fourteen or fifteen. How about Viridian Shadow. I had agreed.

I glared at the info on my page. Sighing I began to weight down all his victims, their injuries, and any and all the other info I can get on them. By the time I had finished I noticed a pattern. Fake, there not as people call them 'true' hero's. They abuse their power. I stood up. But Ste-Stain is strict with his true hero stuff. Which means. I instantly began to wright down 'fake' hero names. I then moved back to the map. Where are you going now though? I stared at the map. Completely ignoring Touya as he walked in. Then I gasped. Lunging forward I circled an area on the map. Hosu. I then lunged to my note book. Three injuries, that will force the hero to retire. And one killed. I grabbed the note book and circled the hero's located in Hosu. Touya was still watching me silently. Like he always has, creeper. Nah, I'm just joking.

I pivoted to my computer. Searching up incidents in Hosu. Shit. There's already two victims. I crossed out the two hero names. Then I moved. I signed. 'Tell Izuku no training today. I'm headed to Hosu, I don't know how long I'll be there. Also tell him I'll watch him on live. Oh and tell him I wish him luck. I gotta go bye!' With that I pulled on my vigilante suit. I then took off. Headed to Hosu. If I was going to rescue anyone, then I needed to hurry.

It was early afternoon, I have been trailing Stain since the Calvary battle in the sports festival. I was hopping from roof to roof. Hidden in the shadows. My eyes zeroed in on my target. I watched him silently. I was ready to attack. I watched, and waited, like a wolf trailing it's pray. Then, right when he threw a knife, when I heard a male grunt, I lunged forward. My arms circled around Ste-Stain's torso and we tumbled down to the ground. I spotted Ingenium on the ground, his hand clutching his leg witch had a large blade stuck in his leg. He went to go pull it out. I chuckled a rock at him. Stopping him before he could.

Stain and I tumbled on the ground before we both jumped up. He drew his sword, I pulled out and put together my Bo-staff. "You st- Vi!?" I stared at the man I once called a friend. Then twirling my bo-staff, now holding it with one hand I signed.
'Stendhal. Or should I call you Stain.' I stared at the male as he smirked. I stood between him and the young hero.
"Well I be damed. I knew you'd be the one to figure me out. I didn't think it'd be so soon." He smirked taking up a stance. "You really should be a hero. Viridian Shadow." With that we lunged, blade against staff. Vigilante against villain. We fought, and it broke my heart to fight the man I once called my friend.

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