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"Yah... I really miss you, okay? I can't do much about it and it annoys me!"

Youngjae released an exasperated sigh at his bestfriend's outburst through the phone.

"I know, I know... I miss you too... but yeah.. there's not much I can do about it too.. I mean being immune doesn't always mean I get to do what I want... Mom won't let me go to Busan... She says it's too far for her 'precious baby boy' to be traveling to, alone, especially when there's this 'crazy disease' on the loose.. I mean, Come on! I'm not five for petes sake! I'm fucking twenty-one! Don't I get justice for my age?!!"

Youngjae didn't see but Daehyun playfully rolled his eyes at his little rant, moments like these are rare nowadays since they've been focussing on their individual seperate lives for a long while..

but he kinda missed his bestfriend's sassy rants and complains about... everything..

Maybe a few months ago he would've wished for absolutely nothing but to have a rock get shoved up Youngjae's mouth to shut him up for a whole day... But now.. he wouldn't mind hearing his bestfriend rant til his heart's content.

"Look... I miss you... and you miss me, right?" Daehyun questioned.

"Yeah... It's sad, but that's the truth..."

Daehyun rolled his tongue againts his inner cheek... 'cheekily thinking about something'

"So... If you can't come to Busan... Why don't I just go to Seoul?"

He asked hopefully.. eager for the latter's response, no matter how much he told himself that Youngjae would, without a doubt object that Idea flatly.

"Daehyun, look... I miss you, okay?... but I'm not stupid enough to let my bestfriend travel three hundred twenty-five kilometers, alone and vulnerable to that crazy disease just to see me... I can't risk you, man..."


"Daehyun, no."

"Youngjae I-"

"No means no, Daehyun."

"Come on-"




Youngjae heard an irritated sigh from the other line..

"Let's think this through, man... I know your love for me isn't that shallow.."

Youngjae's cheeks suddenly turned into a fine color of light crimson..


"Ahp. Don't deny it. It is a known fact."

"Shut up."

Daehyun playfully rolled his eyes again.

"Anyways.. As I was saying.. Let's think about it... the limit of being outside is two hours, right? Well since the Busan train station is only a 35 minute travel to from where I'm from, I'll be exposed for only 35 minutes... Therefore the virus wont have enough time to enter my body... It's safe play!"

Youngjae rubbed his temple tiredly and leaned his body on his bedroom's wall.

"Daehyun... The train ride takes an estimated time of three hours! That's past the limit!, plus you'll have to travel from the Seoul station to my house too, and that adds up another one hour... How the hell is four hours and thirty five minutes considered safe play?!"

Daehyun groaned loudly, clearly in distaste at the younger's negativity..

"You're not getting the point! You see, I'll only get to be exposed for an hour and thirty-five minutes. The trains are usually empty now considering everybody's cozy indoors. The train doesn't count as a place for exposure. It is a closed space with a metal ceiling, a metal floor and metal walls barricading each of it's freaking side. The train is considered indoors. Deal with it."

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