Chapter 1

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Alcea Blanc is a woman who grew up independent and alone when she starts growing up. When she was only a little girl, she was famous in every newspaper and TV news. She was the only survivor of their burning house. She couldn't remember why everything was on fire. But the only time she could remember was when her father tried his best to save her and her mother before the ceiling dropped on his body. Her mother cried, calling his name but managed to run outside the burning bedroom while she was carrying her. It was so hot; the smoke was making her cry and suffocate. Her mother's trembling voice is trying to comfort her.

Until their only way out was burned as they watched how the stairs crumbled down. The last thing she could see was when her mother threw her out at the window as she watched her being eaten by that flame before she lost consciousness. When she woke up, she was in the hospital. She was only nine years old at that time. Her memory is still foggy, but she can hear her mother and father's voices screaming her name. She doesn't want to speak to anyone, no matter how the doctors or nurses approach her in a manner that wouldn't scare a child like her.

Until a familiar man showed himself. He is her father's best friend. She called him Uncle Donnie. They are not close, but he is kind to her. She felt relieved after seeing a familiar face. When he spoke to her, asking what the last thing she could remember—she told everything. His eyes are full of sympathy, and he embraces her after she tells him everything.

Her parents are not that rich, but they had their ways of making sure their small business wouldn't go bankrupt. They owned a small antique shop and had collections that every antique collector wanted to have. When her parents were still alive, she watched them how they do their sale talk with a customer. They are so good at conversing and making a customer say yes to the amount they had agreed on. Her father is a French man while her mother is a German woman, but she chooses to live in a small town in Germany. She never met any relatives of her parents, but it's alright. She is happy because she has an amazing parents.

She earned some money she had inherited from her parents ever since she lost them. The police said that the cause of the fire was a burning electrical wire. But how could it happen when she is so sure that her father continuously checks every electrical material in their house to ensure everyone is safe because sometimes he has to travel to some places to collect and add in the antique shop? He always wanted their safety whenever he needed to leave.

Her Uncle Donnie took her as her new guardian. He had no kids or wife, but the last time she heard, he had a kid with someone but didn't want to get married. She lived with him for three months until she accidentally heard him talking with someone in his office. Curiosity took over her as she secretly listened to them. When she heard what they were talking about, her whole world collapsed again. Donnie Aubert is the mastermind of why her parents died and why her whole life was gone. He was talking to a man, and he looked distressed, trying his best to lower his voice. Fear crawled under her skin.

She is right. No wonder she is not close with him, no matter how much kindness he showed her whenever he visited them in their house. The way Donnie looked at her mother with full affection in his eyes—she felt uncomfortable whenever she caught him doing that. Donnie is in love with her mother. Vengeance and jealousy. That's the reason why he killed them.

She runaway that day. She took only important documents she owned. It's the only thing she had from her parents, and she won't let him steal it from her. When she runs away, she goes to their neighbor's house. Their neighbor is a retired lawyer. She asked for some help, begging her to help her leave the country. No one will believe a little girl like her. She thought their neighbor wouldn't believe her after she said everything until the older woman spoke.

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