Chapter 3

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His grip on my waist became tighter and I couldn't tell if my temperature was steadily increasing...or if it was dropping rapidly. His touch made my body tingle and it seemed as if my whole body became severely sensitive. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as his hands were slowly caressing my body.

At this point, I could tell that that alcohol wasn't just any kind of alcohol with the way it made my whole entire body react.

The trembling increased and the urge to be touched grew stronger.

His thin breathing suddenly turned into a chuckle in which he was now slightly laughing.
"If only I could see the way you looked like right now a little clearer..."

He chuckled again before speaking , "the way you react to my every touch, and how your dick is practically begging for someone to give it endless pleasure..."

He got closer to my ear again and whispered, "It's fucking turning me on.."


"I have no interest in screwing around with other guys"

"...I'll handle this myself"


"oh please..."

He got closer again and put his right arm around my waist while his left hand had now gotten a hold on my dick.

"I haven't even done anything and yet, every time I put my hands on you, you slightly moan"

".. you're acting as if your fucking hand isn't slowly rubbing on my cock as we speak.."

"I already told you i'd handle this myself...!"

"So do it."



"Jerk yourself off."

"What the hell are you talking about..?"

He suddenly gripped my dick harder.

This current situation I was in right now wasn't getting any better. I could feel my face and body get even hotter.

"Fuck...I'm not just gonna masturbate myself in front of you like some type of cheap porno."

He laughed. "You seemed to be doing it quite well earlier."

He got closer to my ear again and whispered. "Give me a show.."

At this point, I could feel my sanity leave my entire body. The heat, his voice, the pleasure, I couldn't take it anymore.

With his hand still on my dick, I grabbed it. And with his hand and my own, I gave myself pleasure.

I let out moans that not even myself knew was possible. My breaths were unsteady and the pleasure was intense.

I stroked my dick harder and harder with his hand and yet, I felt as if I needed something more.

I grit my teeth together to quiet the sounds that were slowly escaping my mouth.

Even though I couldn't really see anything and my head was really foggy, all I could think about in this very moment was; Who is this man, what would he look like right now if it wasn't completely dark like this? And why am I using him to give myself a little sense of relief?.

I somewhat asked these questions in my mind as sharp moans escaped from my body.

My head rolled back out of endless pleasure and ended up laying on his shoulder. Even though I couldn't really see what this person looked like, I felt his hair on my neck which felt exceedingly soft.

Right now, I atleast came about 5 times and my dick still wouldn't calm down. I rubbed my cock some more with his hand and was able to cum 2 more times before I realized he hadn't said a word since this started.

I figured this may have been enough to satisfy him and ended up stopping in my tracks. Although, a part of me wanted to continue because whether I wanted to admit this or not, his hand that stroked my cock-back to back felt rather better than I had expected. I didn't know if it was because his hands were soft or if it was because his hands were cold and my whole body was beaming with heat.

My breathing started slowing down but my dick was still as active as ever.


He slowly started laughing.

"What exactly were you hoping to accomplish down there.?"

"You think that by using my hand to casually help yourself cum all over the place..would entertain me.?

"You say those words and act as if your cock didn't gradually get harder each time I moaned."

"Infact, I can practically feel it bulging up higher as we speak."

"..I guess you do actually have a little point there. but with your body emitting such heat, how could I not.?"

"It's like you're begging for me to enter you..."

"Your sensitive to the touch, overwhelmingly hot, your body is trembling, and you reek of alcohol."

"Judging you just off of this appearance, you've definitely overdosed on something you weren't suppose to."

"Do you even know what's in the alcohol in Adeline's Labyrinth?"

I could hear him fiddle with something on his pants. It was his belt.

He took his belt off and grabbed both of my hands.

"Hey man...what the hell are you doing...!".

As he grabbed both of my hands, he grabbed his belt and slowly started tying it around my hands in which I could no longer use them.

"What the..."

"What the fuck are you doing..!"

He grabbed my neck and pushed me against the brick wall.

With him behind me and his hand still on my neck, I could hear him slowly unzipping his pants. It was of to no use getting out of this because I had little to no energy left for me to use.

He then got closer to my ear and whispered yet again.

"Do you wanna find out?.."

I didn't know what he implied by this, but what I do know, is that in the next few seconds, We were going to fuck in this alleyway.

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