Chapter twelve

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"Every child you pass in the hall has a story that needs to be heard.
Maybe you are the one meant to hear it." 
 - unknown


💫 Maya 💫

I felt really stupid for making everyone worry last night. I should've known they were guards. He won't find me. 

Going downstairs for breakfast, I take my schoolstuff with me. I wonder what school will be like. I never really had a lot of friends but the boys will probably not want to be seen with me. That's okay though, I get it.

During breakfast, I got a "Good luck and have fun, princesa."
"Pay attention to you teachers, mariposa." And a "Anyone bothers you, mi amore, you call me you understand?" I nod to all three of them and follow the twins and Hugo outside. 

There are a lot of cars outside but they walk straight to a big matte black car, it's really pretty and looks a little like a jeep but with smoother edges. Martín gets behind the wheel and Mateo gets in on the passengers side. 
Hugo walks around the car to the driver's side and gets in. I guess that leaves behind Mateo for me. 

The drive to school consisted mostly of Hugo talking about his teachers being annoying and his friends wanting to meet me. I just hope they are nice. 

When we pull up at this big, old style building that must be the school, all four of us get out. I notice all the smiles and nice-ness has been removed from their faces. They are looking around like they are about to kill someone. 

The few people outside the school look at us for a few seconds and then get back to their own things. Great, my brothers are popular. I've always stayed away from the popular kids. 

I just realise I subconciously called them my brothers. I mean they thechnically are, but I've only known them for a few days. And somehow it didn't feel weird to call them that.

Following the boys to the front desk I see an old nice-looking lady sitting behind the desk. "Can we get the schedule for Maya Sanchéz please?" She looks up and I see her eyes winden a lot. 
"Uhm, uh yeah sure. I have it here. If you need anything, just come to me okay sweetie?"

I give her a small smile and take the schedule from her. Hugo took the schedule from me and is reading everything aloud to Martín and Mateo. I don't really pay attention since I will just get the paper back. I will memorize it then. 

"You start with English with Mr. Hanson, preciosa. We will walk you to the classroom." I walk behind them and they drop me off at my classroom. There are not a lot of people since we are a bit early so I take a seat near the back. 

It's one big table with two chairs. Let's just hope a nice person will be next to me. There are like five people in the classroom right now and more are coming in but the bell hasn't rung yet. 

A girl with straight brown hair walks in. When she sees me, she looks a little lost. "Hi, I usually sit there. Is it okay if I sit next to you?" Oh shit, I am sitting in her seat. I guess it's only fair if she can sit next to me. She looks nice.

I nod and she takes her seat. "So, I've never seen you before. Are you new?" I give her another nod. "Well, I'm Aella, nice to meet you! What's your name?" I just look at the table. Aella is a really nice name. 

After a few seconds I realise I have a notebook and pens in my bag. I take them out and write down my name. "Maya? That's a nice name."
'Thanks, Aella is a nice name too!' I write down.

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